Coding Languages

Wondering when at what point a person has learned enough to get some kind of work. It seems like jobs constantly accumulate more acronyms or more lingo.

I know Javascript. Well... do ya know Angular JS? WTF is that? Or Node.JS?

Anyway, I'm just browsing a freelancer site hoping to scrounge up work and wondering how beginners can hope to compete and qualify for jobs.
Wondering when at what point a person has learned enough to get some kind of work. It seems like jobs constantly accumulate more acronyms or more lingo.

I know Javascript. Well... do ya know Angular JS? WTF is that? Or Node.JS?

Anyway, I'm just browsing a freelancer site hoping to scrounge up work and wondering how beginners can hope to compete and qualify for jobs.
Every company will be using different frameworks. Having experience in those frameworks helps your case, but if you're proficient in just the base language (Javascript in this case, but could be Java, Python, etc) and can prove it in an interview, you could still get a job without extensive language in framework X.
Okay that helps. My Javascript course cover jQuery and mentioned Angular, but didn't really even explain what Node.JS was.
Node is essentially server side Javascript. There's a lot more to it than that, but that's Node in a nutshell.
Installed the Android Studio Development Kit and going through a tutorial.

For what it's worth, some prior experience with C# and Visual Studio might help me to not feel to lost.

Had a few technical interviews the last few weeks. The first one went great, I think. I got most of the questions correct. They seemed to really like me. They are waiting for their boss to come back from Europe and then they will consider an offer.

Had another one today. Well, it was the third for this company. Passed a screening, a technical interview, and had another technical interview. Got all the questions correct. The whiteboard question was to check duplicates in an array, which I got correct, but then they threw in another scenario and I wasn't sure how to work it out. Who knows? I literally drove four hours to the interview, so I wasn't in the right mindset.

If nothing materializes, I have my contract to fall back on.
Im loving C++11 lately, lambda functions and range based for loops make life so much easier. That and the recent discovery of <algorithm> and heavily using STL structures has made my life sooo much easier.
I code a lot less and now that I'm getting older I have changed my habits when it comes to stuff like that. Now when I type an open paren, I type the closed one to match and then enter what I want inside. With if statements, I type the end-if right away too. I never used to do that when I was young but now unfortunately I seem to need it.
I code a lot less and now that I'm getting older I have changed my habits when it comes to stuff like that. Now when I type an open paren, I type the closed one to match and then enter what I want inside. With if statements, I type the end-if right away too. I never used to do that when I was young but now unfortunately I seem to need it.

I do that with brackets (well, I make Visual Studio do that for me) but usually not with parentheses unless I'm going to be adding a lambda expression or delegates or some such hooey. My concession was more on always using bracket around if statements even if it was a single expression executing, just so it's painfully obvious what is and isn't part of the conditional logic. Thankfully, the newer C# has gotten rid of my previous paranoid null checking, which became an issue with another programmer who was working in my area of the code and didn't seem to consider things could be null; I am so glad I don't have to write if (li != null && li.LineItem != null && li.LineItem.SQLAddress != null && !String.IsNullOrWhitespace(li.LineItem.SQLAddress.Address1) and instead can just use stuff life if (!String.IsNullOrWhitespace(li?.LineItem?.SQLAddress?.Address1))
My pursuit of learning this got derailed for a while and wondering if I can still get into it. Unfortunately, my current job takes up huge amounts of time.

I'm thinking about saving up money and setting time aside to do a Code Bootcamp. I hear a lot of mixed opinions about these programs and not sure if it's worth it.

What got me thinking about this is I was contacted by a recruiter who said he needed someone who knew Python and Django along with HTML/CSS. I told him my skill level wasn't there as I've honestly barely done anything with Django. I guess this just bugs me because I feel like I should be able to learn something like this if my current job didn't suck up all my time.
My pursuit of learning this got derailed for a while and wondering if I can still get into it. Unfortunately, my current job takes up huge amounts of time.

I'm thinking about saving up money and setting time aside to do a Code Bootcamp. I hear a lot of mixed opinions about these programs and not sure if it's worth it.

What got me thinking about this is I was contacted by a recruiter who said he needed someone who knew Python and Django along with HTML/CSS. I told him my skill level wasn't there as I've honestly barely done anything with Django. I guess this just bugs me because I feel like I should be able to learn something like this if my current job didn't suck up all my time.

You can still get into it. You may even find that some concepts make more sense now that you're brain has had time to process. However to get the syntax down you have to write code, write code, write code.

Problem with boot camps is trying to learn a lot in a short amount of time, you don't get time to process what you've just learned before something else is thrown your way. The value you one may get may be dependent on how much they know going in, the less you know the much more you're trying to process and could make it not as much of a value.

I thought I saw you mention that you're truck driving? If so can you take a lap top with you so that you can get a little practice here and there in?

Have you tried They have plenty of free courses. I've started doing their Machine Learning courses and took the "Programming Foundations in Python" because I need to know Python for machine learning and it was easy and I think pretty good for beginners and for a tougher one "Intro into Computer Science". I would stick to free resources until you're sure you want to go down the path for sure.
I thought I saw you mention that you're truck driving? If so can you take a lap top with you so that you can get a little practice here and there in?

Yeah, I went back to truck driving for financial reasons and other things in life that derailed my college plans.

I'm up for self study especially if a straight forward course could offer focused learning since Programming is such a broad subject.

It's hard though time wise and being motivated to study after driving the truck all day. We only get 10 hour breaks which isn't much to do anything besides eat, rest, and sleep then drive again.

Sometimes it stills seems ridiculous I'm driving a semi. I'm a computer geek in what is mostly a redneck industry. It's also unhealthy and incredibly dull.
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Also Driving jobs have about ~10 years before they're decimated due to self driving trucks. If not sooner.

I'd try this course.

They just do a couple of simple programs, i think its a good starting point. And if you have questions since i just ran through it can help you out.

You maybe want to maximize your time spent so make this is the last thing you do before going to sleep that way your brain processes it all night. When i really want to learn something that's what i do and in the morning i usually see things better or have solution, even with guitar it's always helped me improve on something i'm trying to learn.
Is that Python 2 or 3? My feeling is it's about time to get onboard with Python3 even though many people are still relying on old programs written in Python2.

As for trucking, it may go into a gradual process of Autopilot much like Airplanes already have or eventually overseen remotely by 'Drone Pilot Truckers' when conditions come up the computer doesn't know how to deal with.
The class is in 2.4 or 2.5. But most everything they used worked in 3.4 which I used for it.


print in 3 now requires parenthesis so
print (myText)

and urllib that was used is now this
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)

instead of what they showed. and there is another part of this that didn't work as previous but i can give you what worked when you get to it. It was parsing the quotes in the url

url = '' + urllib.parse.quote(text)
Trying to dabble in Python again after getting into local trucking and not running all over the country.

Did a long exercise trying to make a pseudo-animated Console / Terminal graphic. All it does is make a red X slide back and forth on a line. Think of the graphics on the old BBS Door Games lmao.

The point being I start with a s*** version with a bunch of print lines, then gradually worked over to making Python do more work and reducing redundant code by using functions.

I'm interested in figuring out the nCurses library which is a tool to make better visual menu driven Terminal / Console programs.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import time

from colorama import init
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style

os.system('setterm -cursor off') # So cursor doesn't flicker on terminal

def clearscreen(): # Clearscreen Function
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')


def pause():

def movingx():
xspot = Fore.RED + '_X_'
wbar = Fore.WHITE + '_'
print(leftspace + wbar * lbar + xspot + wbar * rbar)

lbar = 0
rbar = 12
countdown = 0
leftspace = ' ' * 40

while countdown < 25:

countdown = countdown + 1

for i in range(12):
lbar = lbar + 1
rbar = rbar - 1

for i in range(12):
lbar = lbar - 1
rbar = rbar + 1

os.system('reset') # ensure Cursor returns and any color palette changed are reset.
Trying to pick this up again. I made an ASCII Art terminal clock for Linux Terminal coded in Python. This might work in Windows to if Python Interpreter is installed.

I want a technology job dammit. I'm sick of truck driving.

I feel like I have a technical aptitude that is being wasted as a steering wheel holder.
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I'm on the server/network admin side so don't know much about coding. Took a website building course back in high school and remember a quarter class on something like Visual Studio in college. Was checking out Udemy this past week as they had some good sales for courses and was looking at something like Python as I had a old co-worker that was learning that on his free time. Not sure I'd really have any use for it in my current position of education IT, which I really enjoy and would want to stick with even beyond my current job. Depending on how fast I get through my new courses and how boring the summer is maybe I'll take another look at what they offer.