Consoles are better than PC...Fact

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I guess I am an idiot for spending double on my Macs compared to similar performing PCs.

I will get over it.
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I guess I am an idiot for spending double on my Macs compared to similar performing PCs.

I will get over it.

I don't even know why i own a PC to be honest. My smartphone can do everything my desktop can and i don't have to sit hunched over to do it. Plus consoles blow PC out of the water for gaming. What's the point? This sh!t is becoming obsolete.
Aaah, but you see, you're both playing it are you not? My question was if it was necessary to play them, not the specifics of how you play them. Like I said previously, if it's important to you to pay so much money for better performance, than that is your privilege. However, I will never be convinced or not entitled to my opinion that paying so much money for such a thing when you can play it for much less is not only idiotic but lacks perspective as well.

It's just like when I purchase a car. I'm not going to spend ridiculous amounts of money on a car just because it looks good or has better performance. I need a car to get me from A to B, and I can do that at a fraction of the cost.

Some people like luxury things, like playing games at higher res, framerate, and graphics settings. Some people like better than the bare minimum, like I said you just sound bitter, like you cannot afford more than bare minimum or something. Sorry.
I have a totally unessecary home theater in my home that can shake the entkrw bottom floor of my home, is that nessecary to watch a movie? Absolutely not. It's because I can.
Some people like luxury things, like playing games at higher res, framerate, and graphics settings. Some people like better than the bare minimum, like I said you just sound bitter, like you cannot afford more than bare minimum or something. Sorry.

Playing on PC is like riding a bike and playing on consoles is like riding in a limo. Sitting there hunched over like a goofball. Who wants to do that? What's so luxury about constantly having to upgrade specs just to keep up with consoles and worrying about system crashes and all kinds of other crap that can happen? Plus as the video proves, PC gaming is for poor people. Console gamers more often than not pay full price for their games while PC gamers just pirate or use Steam. [HASHTAG]#4thPlace[/HASHTAG]
What exclusive PC games did you spend $2500 on a gaming PC for? If you spent that much money to play games that you could be playing on a system at a fraction of that cost, then...
Games I brought a pc for:Age of empires, Planetside 2, CSGO, H1Z1, Thief, Higher resolution gaming,Dawn of war series,The forest, The division, Dark souls,Dragon age,
I don't even know why i own a PC to be honest. My smartphone can do everything my desktop can and i don't have to sit hunched over to do it. Plus consoles blow PC out of the water for gaming. What's the point? This sh!t is becoming obsolete.

That's funny, seeing as I don't sit hunched over to play.

Oh, and there's more PC gamers, so not sure where you get it's becoming obsolete. On the contrary, it's been getting more popular every year. Just steam current # of players now away console players.
That's funny, seeing as I don't sit hunched over to play.

Oh, and there's more PC gamers, so not sure where you get it's becoming obsolete. On the contrary, it's been getting more popular every year. Just steam current # of players now away console players.
Yea I can sit on my couch with a controller or a kb/m on my big screen comfortably and PC gameand constantly upgrading? Lol I have a video card that's 3 years old that I got for 150 dollars that blows consoles out of the water. Common peasant misconceptions. Lol.
Aaah, but you see, you're both playing it are you not? My question was if it was necessary to play them, not the specifics of how you play them. Like I said previously, if it's important to you to pay so much money for better performance, than that is your privilege. However, I will never be convinced or not entitled to my opinion that paying so much money for such a thing when you can play it for much less is not only idiotic but lacks perspective as well.

It's just like when I purchase a car. I'm not going to spend ridiculous amounts of money on a car just because it looks good or has better performance. I need a car to get me from A to B, and I can do that at a fraction of the cost.

Obviously, you can play PC games at bare minimum specs with far cheaper and inferior tech. However, gaming is a luxury. It is up to the individual how much that luxury is worth. There will be billions of people who think you are idiotic for spending hundreds on a game console, and even more so for the thousands you will spend over the course of a generation.

We only have one life to live and a short one at that. Why settle for mediocrity in things that make you happy if you can afford top quality? If you like going on holiday why settle for a camp site when you can afford a nice hotel overlooking the water. Why settle for Skegness(most of you likely are like, WTF is a Skegness) when you can afford the South of France.
Oh the Lolz in this thread are great.

The Master Race rushing in to defend their title from an April Fools joke. Epic.
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It was inevitable.

Lol. Yeah. It's very important that people feel their toy is the best. It's hilarious actually. I watched my 4 year old argue with his friend over whose spiderman t-shirt was better this morning. This is the Internet version of that argument.
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Lol. Yeah. It's very important that people feel their toy is the best. It's hilarious actually. I watched my 4 year old argue with his friend over whose spiderman t-shirt was better this morning. This is the Internet version of that argument.


Both their t-shirts suck. Batman t-shirt FTMFW:banana:
That's what I told them!!!
*Internet high five*
Oh the Lolz in this thread are great.

The Master Race rushing in to defend their title from an April Fools joke. Epic.

If you actually read the posts not one of us is defending anything from an April fools joke, we knew it was an April Fools joke. How stupid are you?

What we are doing is explaining the luxury of PC gaming to some clown on here that thinks anything more than the bare minimum of anything is stupid and unessecary spending of money. He even said the same about cars. He doesn't understand the concept of luxuries.
Did you read that like I thought you didn't understand the topic was a joke?
But it's gone beyond the joke intended and devolved into the usual PC vs. console stuff. Closing time.
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