Digital download or retail?

Digital Joker

Do I look like I'm joking?
Sep 22, 2013
Edmonton Alberta
Seeing as I've got a 400GB monthly cap I'm going to go digital on launch for BF4 and Killzone. Figure if I pick it up at midnight, start the downloads and go to bed they'll be ready by noon Saturday.
With the games safely on the hard drive I don't have to worry about the kids scratching the discs. Being lazy and not having to swap discs is an added bonus.
I'm "having" to do BF4 digital, because that's the way the upgrades from PS3 work. Hopefully the download doesn't take too ridiculous of an amount of time to download, because I'm going to want to play pretty quick. Think I read it's like 30+ gigs or something, so I'm sure it will be slower than I want. I suppose I can give Killzone's single player some quality time while I wait (or maybe download Resogun first, so I can play that too).
I'm going retail primarily. I always find better deals retail, though i do like the convenience of digital. I think the initial hard disk sizes are insanely small for the amount of caching as well.
Even if I had the ability to go digital, I wouldn't do it.
Probably mostly retail with a little bit of digital sprinkled in because my friends and I like to share games so a physical disk would be so much more convenient than logging in and downloading on each other's PS4.

Also, games such as NBA2K14, I get retail for sure because I can bring it to other people's places and play together.
I will likely transition into all digital, but it is not worth it at launch. Not only could it be a nightmare downloading from the network, but most of these launch games are likely ones I will want to play for awhile then sell.
Physical for me still...I have no bandwith cap and a pretty fast speed but why should I download 50 GB when I can buy the disk and only do the mandatory install,which is usually less and doesnt use digital looks bad on my bookshelf lol ;)
Retail for now unless digital starts giving some big ass discounts or holiday sales like Steam.
Retail for me, I don't want to lose the option to trade games in. As far as space on the HDD I don't think that will be an issue early on but as time goes by you may end up having to start deleting games and then downloading them again later, I'd much rather just have the disc to swap. I can see the appeal for digital for those that are looking to go that way but it's not something I'll be doing personally.
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HDD doesn't bother me much. I only play two or three games at a time anyways so once I'm done with them away they'd go.
Blu-ray discs don't scratch, you can make the scrached argument for dvd's or cd's. I cannot go digital only, i had a 200 gb monthly cap and recently got a notice that from now on the cap has been adjusted to 175 gb. I also won't finish dl'ing a 50 gb game for hours with the 10mb (+-) speed i have.
Blu-ray discs don't scratch, you can make the scrached argument for dvd's or cd's. I cannot go digital only, i had a 200 gb monthly cap and recently got a notice that from now on the cap has been adjusted to 175 gb. I also won't finish dl'ing a 50 gb game for hours with the 10mb (+-) speed i have.
While they have some kind of anti-scratch coating, and are much harder to scratch than other disc based media, I can tell you from experience that they do indeed scratch. To be fair though the scratches on mine in the past have come from children..most likely trying to use it to skate across the laminate floor :laugh:
If you try to rub it against the floor with your feet, even the hardest metal would catch on scratches eventually. But under 'normal rough usage', a BD has a way more resistant surface than dvd/cd's. I have been collecting BD movies since ps3 launched in 2006, not had a disk unplayable error on one of them. The initial polymer coating developed for blu-rays , 'durabis', has been improved over the years with disc manufacturers coming out with their own variants.
A mix of both. For the must have games, day one digital. Being able to play after a portion of it is DL'ed (Killzone is playable after 7gb) while the rest DL's in the background is great.
I always go retail when possible. If something is DD only, no problem. But I always go with a physical disc when possible. I mean, PSN download speeds being what they can be sometimes, downloading Okami HD was something of an ordeal, and that was only about 6.5GB.
With the size of these next gen games so far, I'll be staying with retail copies for a while yet
If you try to rub it against the floor with your feet, even the hardest metal would catch on scratches eventually. But under 'normal rough usage', a BD has a way more resistant surface than dvd/cd's. I have been collecting BD movies since ps3 launched in 2006, not had a disk unplayable error on one of them. The initial polymer coating developed for blu-rays , 'durabis', has been improved over the years with disc manufacturers coming out with their own variants.
Yeah under normal usage it stands up much better, but with kids things never just have 'normal' usage lol
retail for me I got 35 down but I like to hold something in my hands for my money and I like a shelf full of games. I'll of course get DD games from PSN but retail games all hard copies for me.
Depends, if I have to install a game or something like that and it takes a long time to do so, I'll go digital download since it doesn't matter either way. If a game is full on MP or always online, I see no reason to just do a digital version.
Retail. I have my own games room so I don't have to worry about the little one going after my disks and I'm not one for waiting, there's enough shops that sell games (I'm always out) why wait for a download (personal opinion).
Even if I had the ability to go digital, I wouldn't do it.

Me neither. I don't understand the fascination some have for digital distribution. It's a total failure of a concept on just about every level.