Ever been afraid of success and how did you get over it?


Say my name...
Sep 11, 2013
So, have you? I'm at a level where I'm actually resisting success as I've never been at this level of it before. Looking for some good advice from my Union amigo's. Really looking for words of encouragement here as if Im able to overcome this challenge, I will have successfully done what many close relatives thought would never happen.... Hell. Maybe I didnt either.

Thanks in advance mates...

What are you afraid of, specifically? Some people just find it hard to get used to, because it's so new. Other people are afraid of the responsibilities. Other people are afraid that they might fail (falling from a distance hurts more than falling from a low height). Others are afraid that all their time and energy will be claimed by their work. Others are afraid that other people will expect more of them and continued, maybe even greater success, and they are anxious about that. Or, they may just be afraid of failing period, since aiming for "success" (however you're defining that) usually involves challenge and risk. Some people are afraid of alienating other people somehow, making them jealous or whatnot.
What are you afraid of, specifically? Some people just find it hard to get used to, because it's so new. Other people are afraid of the responsibilities. Other people are afraid that they might fail (falling from a distance hurts more than falling from a low height). Others are afraid that all their time and energy will be claimed by their work. Others are afraid that other people will expect more of them and continued, maybe even greater success, and they are anxious about that. Or, they may just be afraid of failing period, since aiming for "success" (however you're defining that) usually involves challenge and risk. Some people are afraid of alienating other people somehow, making them jealous or whatnot.
Would you believe its a bit of all of this? Its a weird feeling and Im not too comfortable with it, truth be known. I've taken on big responsibilities before but this, this feels like a big change in life. Also, it is pretty new to me as well. Change can be scary sometimes. It's like I look in the mirror, and I know that guy, but then again, I've never seen him before, but then again, he's always been there. Know what I mean? Trying to get past this ordeal as Im a huge fan of forward motion. This, causes stagnation. And its irritating as f***!

Cant really say Im afraid of failing though. I look forward to it as I know thats how you learn. You gotta fail before you succeed.
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Well, part of it is going to be just getting in there and doing it, and seeing yourself do it, and gradually getting used to the idea that this is something you can handle. It's normal to feel jittery before taking on some big new responsibilities and challenges.

The secret to handling most fears is no secret at all, really -- you just have to get in there and do it, get experience doing it, and develop some level of mastery. It's a process, and it takes a while. You will make mistakes, but that's part of the learning process, as you know. You have to give yourself "learning time" -- time to screw up, while you're learning. Try to have good people in place that you can ask for advice, bounce ideas off of, etc.

I know what you mean about the self-concept/mirror thing. It's sort of like you're shedding one identity for another, bigger one. You seem like a confident, energetic, and ambitious guy, so I imagine you'll do fine. That's half the battle, you know -- just wanting it. That's why most people do not "succeed," imo (I'm speaking of success in conventional terms, i.e., position + income + family) -- they just don't want it badly enough. You seem to want it quite a bit, and I think that's a big factor.

Good luck to you.
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When you succeed as much as I do I guess you just get used to it. The struggle is real.