Gears of War on Xbox One up to Epic

MS needs to have Gears on Xbox One for me to buy it. And I want a proper Gears 4 not Judgment. I didn't like that game.
Yeah I'd love a GOW to be on One but give it time, work on it, evolve it and release it, no re-hashes please.
Does Epic loves money? If the answer to this question is yes, then you have your answer.

Only questionable question, is if it will be exclusive.
It will definitely happen just not now. My best guess is Q1 of 2016. And it will be EPIC!
Does Epic loves money? If the answer to this question is yes, then you have your answer.

Only questionable question, is if it will be exclusive.

Does MS own the IP? Or is it wholly owned by Epic and MS just help fund and pay to keep it exclusive?
Wiki has MS owning the IP. I know that's not much to say but I don't know how to look for that.
So only way Gears goes multi-platform is if someone else publishes it. I don't see MS giving it up that easily.
If MS trhow some more money, a 2nd trilogy for next gen is not impossible, with a differnt story arch, maybe new enemies, ala halo.
I don't think we'll see another Gears of War game. Judgement completely ruined the series and any goodwill EPIC might have had. Sure, it pretty much prints money, but EPIC is still reeling from all the negative reviews.
Well Judgement did over 2M and wasn't made by Epic so I doubt many will hold it against them.
I think the series is tired. It's time for something new. Shadow Complex 2 please.
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The people that made Gears what it was are no longer at Epic. I fear all we will get going forward is a pale imitation.
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The people that made Gears what it was are no longer at Epic. I fear all we will get going forward is a pale imitation.

I agree With Capps and CliffyB gone I don't think a new GoW would live up to it's former glory. We need new IP's for a new generation...the industry needs to stop recycling franchises into oblivion
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Is epic even working on games anymore? They seems to be all about the UE4, when was the last time they didn't show any games at E3?
Is epic even working on games anymore? They seems to be all about the UE4, when was the last time they didn't show any games at E3?

We don't know. They have been bleeding talent since TenCent bought a 40% stake in the company and things have been very, very quiet since.
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Epic has repeatedly said they've never been on a contract with MS other than each individual game.

IIRC they've said something like "each time we've gone to the table and MS has made it worth it for us to make the next Gears exclusive."

This MS comment sounds like Epic hasn't said anything to MS about another Gears.

And yeah.. Epic has gone weird since being purchased. Lost a good chunk of employees and stated they are focusing on F2P games.
Is epic even working on games anymore? They seems to be all about the UE4, when was the last time they didn't show any games at E3?

Like I said, apparently they are working on Fortnite. But there hasn't been any information on it since they revealed it in 2011.

EDIT: And it's supposed to come out this year!
Just kill it off. Xbox needs new IPs. Hopefully Black Tusk can fill the hole Gears of War left.
People who wish to kill it off are dumb. Those games are some of the best ever made except Judgment. The franchise is fine and with a good story it will sell well and entertain us for countless of hours. Just like Halo. People who want Halo dead are out of their mind. Now, obviously new IPs would be great and that's exactly what we're getting with Black Tusk, Quantum Break, Ryse, etc. But if it ain't broke don't fix it, just add to it.
i'm thinking Epic is going more mobile for games and PC/console engines for everything else.