Global Internet


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
Anybody else hear about this? It's time for Obama to step down, before he pisses enough people off and is put down. This is getting ridiculous. He is ruining America. Sorry I don't have a link, just type it in google.
This could have a big impact on our security, wiether it has to do with hackers hacking our accounts more easier from outside countries or hacking into our defense systems. Letting other countries control our Internet is a big mistake and it's another step forward to makin the US part of a union. I'm ready for Obama to be impeached.
Seeing how strict Russia and china are with there Internet. And now soon they'll all have a say on what will be censored and what won't be.. It'll be bad for small businesses and the overall health of our communications. I rather have bush then Obama, atleast we had a healthy army, unlike Obama that's tryin to thin our defence system out makin us look weak. I work in the shipyard, ever since Obama came into the office our work has dropped to a all time low. Nothing but layoffs
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