GT top 10 Games of 2016 that might suck

Taking some shots at big title for way a few of those will suck. Mafia, The Division, or QB are going to be great. I still have faith in No Man's Sky seeing they haven't dumped it out already. Ghost Recon will probably be like Rainbow Six, better than many give credit for but still with issues that keep it niche. All the Ninty stuff looks like ass so they are prolly right on those picks.
I have some fears for some those games and that includes Mafia and The Division
Taking some shots at big title for way a few of those will suck. Mafia, The Division, or QB are going to be great. I still have faith in No Man's Sky seeing they haven't dumped it out already. Ghost Recon will probably be like Rainbow Six, better than many give credit for but still with issues that keep it niche. All the Ninty stuff looks like ass so they are prolly right on those picks.

You can't trust Ubi Soft so the picks seem mostly fair. I think if they wanted hits they could have thrown Last Guardian and Gears of War in there.

I can't really imagine Quantum Break sucking though. NMS always seemed like a game with a high ceiling and low floor. Could easily see it being a love it or hate type of game.
The problem is there's too much pre-release hype and expectations are too high. Too many people set the bar so high that they are destined to be let down.

With games taking longer and longer to make, we get too much info too early.

Also, maybe it is just the fact that I don't like 3rd person shooters and many games are going that way, but I'm not really excited about many of these titles other than maybe No Man's Sky. Don't get me wrong, they could be really good, and chances are some will, but I'm still seeing way more hype than substance.
I agree with the list and even wager a few will end up turds except Ghost Recon IF it makes 2016 will likely have a MP component to my liking. Hopefully all the games are released 2016 and aren't turds.
Quantum Break will be GOTY material (Remedy, duh), as well as probably Graphics of the Year. The rest I could see. Either way, I am buying The Division, Quantum Break, No Man's Sky and Ghost Recon.
I don't see how anyone can expect enough from a Mafia game to find it disappointing. It may(likely) suck.
They make valid points but you could probably make a case for any upcoming title. Like someone said, hype is so high for any game it's not hard to think of ways to deflate it.
I don't think it'll happen, but it'll be a sad day in Xbox land if QB "sucks".
I'm at the point where i can enjoy just about any game. As long as it doesn't have broken controls or some gaming breaking bug. If it runs, i'll give it a try and probably like it. I mean, i'll play a so called terrible NES game just to see what it's all about. We've come a long way.

For example: The doom and gloom for the lack of power of the X1 is laughable to me. 360 was amazing, and the One is obviously even better. So do the math. People need to think about what's really important. Graphics are great but come on.
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I was thinking 110.

If it's not the next new Mersenne Prime it's crap.

(Though now that I type that, a hybrid Metroid Prime / prime number generation game could be awesome.)
Barred a 'Dark Knight', I know one game release in 2016 that wouldn't sucks. Rise of Tome raider PC. :banana:
I wish Summer Lesson had made the list for "Games that may suck"


GT seems to have a lot of faith in Horizon. It's not on this list but is on their most anticipated.

I hope it's great. But with Guerrilla it's a 50/50 prospect.

Never understand the appeal of video game girlfriend. That's what you do in the real world.

In any case, what is she trying to grab off camera?