How is the King Kong game for the 360?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
I ask specifically for this console because I heard it was super dark. It's one of those games I always wanted to play but never got around to it. When the 360 came out, this was actually the first game I ever played, but it was in demo format in a store. Enjoyed it, thought it was super cool. Wasn't a fan of the lighting though. Did they ever release the patch? Is it something that brightness settings in-game or on tv couldn't fix it? I'll probably pick it up since it's so cheap to get anyway and the achievements are supposed to be extremely easy.
King Kong, you mean? I played it years ago. I liked it. It was fun to play as Kong, swinging around the jungle. It had a bit of an Indiana Jones/TR adventure game feel to it, and that appealed to me. It came from Michel Ancel, whose BG&E I liked a lot, so I was a little disappointed that it didn't (in my mind) live up to that title, but I think it's a good game in its own right. Not great, just good. It's pretty linear and short. It's one of the only games I got 1000 achievement points on. I think you get all of them just for completing the game.

I'm not sure about the lighting or any patch for it. I do remember it being dark.
Cool to hear. I think the lighting is my only concern. I'm probably gonna get it either way, but I just want to know what I'm in for. Minus spoilers of course.
Playing as Kong was cool. The fps stuff sucked.
Which is funny because I remember enjoying the FPS part and thinking that controlling Kong turned out disappointing in the demo. Perhaps they fixed it before release or I'm just remembering it wrong. Odd that they never tried to expand on King Kong and make a game of their own in some format that wasn't just tied to the movie. Kinda like how the Hulk game based on the movie was meh, but the Hulk parts were awesome, which eventually led to a more unique and memorable Hulk game experience.
If I remember right, the demo featured Kong in a city environment. That wasn't so good. Kong was more fun when he was in the jungle.
It was great as a launch game, looked fantastic and I enjoyed it. Went to check it out again awhile back and a few years after the launch and was not as impressed as I had been originally because game play and graphics had improved so much on the 360.
I got the game for the easy 1000 achievements, but I enjoyed it a lot actually. Glad that I was achievement hunting because otherwise I would have never got a chance to play it.
I played the game a few years ago, actually. Think I got it on Amazon for like $5 or $10, somewhere in there. Was surprised how aesthetically pleasing a lot of the graphics were, despite not exactly being technically advanced any more. Put the game on easy to fly through it to get the achievements. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, even on easy.