Joystiq: Nintendo: We'll 'likely' phase out some Amiibo after first run

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
Nintendo of America confirmed this week some Amiibo toys "likely will not return to market," following a retailer's claim that the publisher had officially discontinued the Marth, Wii Fit Trainer and Villager figures. In a statement provided to sever...

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I am debating on buying a few of the rare Amiibo and selling them. I don't care if it's unethical, lol, I need some quick Christmas money!
So we've got some places saying it's over and another Nintendo guy saying more will come. Well either way I'm preordering a couple from the next batches just in case.
Are these going to be like beanie babies and make us all rich in the future?
I still have all my beanie babies in plastic cases...