Last Day as a 360 owner.

I'm abit worried for achievements with all im hearing about developers adding them freely whenever they feel. i mean more achievements is good but that sense of completion will be gone. They need something like the platinum trophies for the original 1000gs so people know you beat it at some point.
Will never trade in my 360s.
Got games yet to play, or come back to, even when I step up to the next gen.
Besides, no backwards compatibility, and I'm not trading in or selling my games.
My physical games this gen (minus a handful out on loan.)

I would sell myReach SE 360 but then Rocksmith 2014 and Southpark SoT might just keep me from doing so. Southpark is really looking great!
Will never trade in my 360s.
Got games yet to play, or come back to, even when I step up to the next gen.
Besides, no backwards compatibility, and I'm not trading in or selling my games.
My physical games this gen (minus a handful out on loan.)


I see Killzone 2 there! GTFO, Sony Fanboy! :banana::laugh:

Certainly not getting rid of mine any time soon. My 8 year old is angling very openly to try to get it moved into his room when we get the XB1. Sad thing is that there are still games from the original XBox that I have and haven't gotten around to finishing (Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath among them).
Ill be keeping my 360. Want to keep taking advantage of Games for Gold, and I have an assload of downloaded games.
Can't part with it. I have games I haven't finished.
Including Skyrim.

Just so much to play.
Even though I'm getting an Xb1 & PS4....I'm going to have like no time to finish anything. :crazy:
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Will be 360less in the next few days. Not feeling terribly sad about it, just ready for the 22nd now! It has been a long time coming!
I see Killzone 2 there! GTFO, Sony Fanboy! :banana::laugh:

Certainly not getting rid of mine any time soon. My 8 year old is angling very openly to try to get it moved into his room when we get the XB1. Sad thing is that there are still games from the original XBox that I have and haven't gotten around to finishing (Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath among them).

Arx Fatalis, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, and (shamefully) Shenmue II for me.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD will be free on PSN+ this month!
Awesome. I am keeping my Xbox 360, though. They are continuing to give away a lot of free games (Gold members get two free games per month) and I cannot afford to miss them. :)
I will keep mine for as long as it works, I have a huge backlog and just purchased COD Ghosts and Battlefield for it this afternoon. I just don't see any value in selling it for a hundred dollars (or a bit more) that I don't need.
Too many uncompleted games still on the 360, I can make them both co exist.
I'm in the same boat, selling 360 and moving to xb1, just not enough time to play too many games anymore to keep 2 systems.
on my last day as a 360 owner i'm going to kiss the hot girl a few offices down and then give the finger to everyone else on my way out. looking forward to it
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Keeping my S but in the process of getting rid of games I no longer want to play.
I thought about completely getting rid of mine, but there are still some games coming for it that i want to be able to play next year. Plus, i have a few digital titles that I want to make sure that I can go back to. Man, i wish the XO had BC for at least digital titles. I hope that Microsoft can make that work in the future somehow.
I will be keeping my 360 even though I will barely touch it when I get the Xbox one. By far this has been my favorite console of all time and getting $100 trade would not be right, I'd rather have it sitting pretty next to my new console. Also once my son is older I want to play Disney infinity with him and I have heard nothing about it coming to the Xbox one, I hope it does.
I'm keeping my 360 for the new Castlevania and Dark Souls 2, but that's it. I've exhausted the games that I'm interested in this gen.
Will never trade in my 360s.
Got games yet to play, or come back to, even when I step up to the next gen.
Besides, no backwards compatibility, and I'm not trading in or selling my games.
My physical games this gen (minus a handful out on loan.)


Lost Odyssey?

my last day as a 360 owner is expected to be the 21st as i'll be putting my Xbox in its place on the 22nd.

i will then be using my xbox and PS3 until i get PS4 and that will replace my phat PS3.
My first games were Quake IV, Perfect Dark Zero, Madden, and Call of Duty 2 (I don't remember the order I played them).

I think I'm going to hold onto my 360 until it breaks. There's still some games, like the Orange Box, that I would like to go back to and play again.

Plus, although I'll be buying both the PS4 and One, I still have a massive 360 backlog of games I want to buy/play one day.
My fiNeed games were Quake IV, Perfect Dark Zero, Madden, and Call of Duty 2 (I don't remember the order I played them).

I think I'm going to hold onto my 360 until it breaks. There's still some games, like the Orange Box, that I would like to go back to and play again.

Plus, although I'll be buying both the PS4 and One, I still have a massive 360 backlog of games I want to buy/play one day.
I also plan on going back through the orange box. Need a refresher before hl3.
I didn't get my Xbox 360 until mid 2007 and I can't remember exactly what games I got with it but I'm sure there was a PGR game and The Darkness bundled with it. So most likely one of them. I didn't really buy many games until BioShock and COD4 released.

I want to keep my 360 for a while but once I get my Xbox One I doubt I'll play it much, I may sell it in the near future to make space. I hate hoarding stuff.