Microsoft DirectX 11.3 Revealed – The Feature Set of DX12 Minus the CPU Overhead Reduction Read mor

Wish I understood more of it, but it all sounds good to my limited comprehension :) I think the newer SDKs are working with this now? Only problem is it'll still take a little longer until we see the full benefits of it.
That being said, this is the perfect spot for crazy rumors! I've been in a massive withdrawal lately, but consider me officially off the wagon with this doozy from a random on Twitter:


MisterX's guy (yeah, yeah I know):

"November sdk is 11.3 plus dp sdk unlock was low thread priority to high bandwidth. And had optimization for dx11 games. Dx12 tools are also in November but I can't see alot of dx11.3 games jumping on to it till next year Christmas time most studios wide down.. there will be a lot of head scratch soon. Because there is a massive power jump coming but its there is a scale factor involved and it will make developers think about there code and optimization. Its a change and some studio's will ether port forward or stay with dp and cpu benefits of dx11.3. But the ones who want rt tiled resources 2 0 hardware level will need more work. Ms unchartered killer franchise is coming along very very nice. Full tr2.0 rt and open world scale. Forza 6 has an open world dynamically designed weather system now. And cars and roads use ray tracing effects. It is hands down the most photo realistic gfx I have ever seen. There is surface displacement now. The sky box had clouds that look realistically in volume and to form. The clouds are also effected by the sun because it is dynamically effected by the rays after the rain and the sun comes out on the new metal shaders the effect is the only time my jaw dropped in this industry. I have been told that scale bound will use this weathet system. True gfx jump. "

Why is this rubbish still parroted? none of its true.