Moving sucks.

Eh, I must be in minor but I love helping people out with their moves. They'd ask me to use my truck to carry out many of their stuffs from place to other place. I actually don't mind at all. :)

well you're just a little sweetheart everyone else here is ass holes.
Moving in with my girlfriend in July. She only lives a block away and I'm getting rid of a lot of my furniture. Should be an easy move for once. Keeping my bed at her parents house though so when our lease is up next year we can have it for a spare bedroom. The apt I'm moving to has an office, so it's not big enough for a bedroom, but it is big enough for my tv/gaming center. Mancaves ftw

I can not stress this enough, if you haven't yet, GET YOUR NAME ON THE LEASE! doesn't matter if it causes increases in cost or whatever, have your name on the paper work.
Moving is worst when you already bought your own house & spent quality time & money working on the house.
I've got no problem helping people move. What gets my goatse is when they ask you to help move and then you get over to their place and they haven't even started packing anything into boxes yet and ask that you help them!
Dude, I don't want to handle your cheap stupid little tchotchke and make sure your "his and her" towels go in the correct box!

That's always how it goes and that's another reason why I hate it lol, not only that but they usually say they want to start early then when I get there they've barely just gotten out of bed and are just about to have their coffee. Another thing that always happens without fail is they end up moving into a place on a second floor with no elevator so by the time we get the couch upstairs I'm already in a bad enough mood and then we have to deal with getting it through the door which is always a pain in the ass lol.

Honestly if I hadn't had to help so many people move over the last few years I wouldn't have any problem with it but between friends, sisters, nieces and nephews it's gotten out of hand.
I have about an hour commute one way, but where I'm driving (Monroe if you are aware) I have no interest in moving to. In fact Madison would probably be the only other place I'd want to move to in the area but the drive time wouldn't be any better. At least at this point I only drive half way and then meet up with a co-worker.
Do any of you have those friends that you haven't heard from in months or even years, then suddenly when they need to move in hurry they remember your number?

I have three really good life long friends and the other guy is the one I just described.
Good god, it took Comcast 4 hours to "activate" my equipment I brought from my old place. So bad...
When you need to move, its certainly better if you have friends that help you. I have helped my friends moved before. The thing is, some people only call you when they need your help. When you need their help, they are always busy. LOL