Naughty Dog won't push UC4 to 60fps if it means compromises in gameplay.

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The Order is actually going to look very good. I already told you that. But I won't know for sure until I actually have the game on my TV and can move the camera around and judge.


I'll make a general thread for graphics talk..
I'm behind you 100 percent.

@Mangoes- shame on you for posting photomode pics with filters all over them, lol :p

It doesn't matter if the filters are from the game- that actively changes what the game looks like, and the game doesn't have to calculate AI or animations.

The Pics VFX shows were examples of how the lights and material interact with the environment. They weren't there to make and artistic composition.

Unity does get enough credit. Period. That lighting system is incredible, and I can't think of a game that has better material properties.

Just because Unity doesn't have a bunch of explosions doesn't mean it's doing nothing, lol. Those NPCs have AI. they aren't just running a looped animation- that takes processing. Not mention they interact with you and the environment. It's kinda mind-boggling. I'm not sure how anyone can make the accusation that the game is "not doing much".
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