Our Gaming Tastes...


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013

I'm making this thread because I feel like I'm one of the only members who makes their gaming tastes known publicly. When people critique games here, I think it would be nice to know what base they're working from. This way, you can either dismiss someone's opinion totally, or take notice the next time they type "OMG, GOTY." So without further ado, take as much time as necessary and answer the following 6 questions...

Currently campaigning for: If you bump into Kevin Spacy at the DMV, and he asks you what game he should be looking out for (released or unreleased), what do you tell him?

Favorite game: I think most gamers don't have a single "favorite game". Instead, I think there's a handful of games that they lump into a shortlist when asked this question. Out of your short list, what's the most last game to be released?

Favorite genre: Pretty self explanatory.

Most anticipated: Could be a little further off than the "Currently campaigning for" game. What game do you most want to get here.

What do you look for in games: Hopefully you're like me, and asked yourself why you like the games you do. Hopefully you're like me and have an answer.

What are your pet peeves in games: The market is heading is different directions all the time. What few things are you hoping don't make it to the future with you?

(Copy and past)
Currently campaigning for:
Favorite game:
Favorite genre:
Most anticipated:
What do you look for in games:
What are your pet peeves in games:
Currently campaigning for: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Favorite game:
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. Exclusively for its Spies vs Mercs multiplayer mode.

Favorite genre:
Adversarial multiplayer, strategy

Most anticipated:
Battleborn. Dota 2 needs to play like Halo 5 and MGSV. The sooner we get to that point the better. This seems to be taking the first step.

What do you look for in games:
"A game is a series of interesting choices." - Sid Meier. Innovation and creativity.

What are your pet peeves in games:
Overemphasis on graphics, Animitronic AI in single player games, Lack of multiplayer in 60 dollar products, Developers underestimating their audience.
Two Words

Mad Max
I can picture THL chucking a hissy fit in his lair at the lack of effort in your response. :p

Currently campaigning for: All 360 games to be backwards compatible on Xbox One, but especially One Finger Death Punch.

Favorite game: Peggle 2

Favorite genre: Games with balls, apparently.

Most anticipated: PES 2016

What do you look for in games: Games that feel and look like they would belong in an arcade.

What are your pet peeves in games: Long unskippable intros and cutscenes.
I'm too lazy to go through all that. I like two drastically different types of games. On one hand there are highly character and story driven games, and in this category I like games from Bioware, Telltale, Rockstar, etc.. On the other hand there are action packed games with really intuitive design, and Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012) is the best in this regard.
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Reactions: Registered User 1
Currently campaigning for: The Witcher 3
Favorite game: The Witcher 3
Favorite genre: RPG
Most anticipated: Cyberpunk
What do you look for in games: Story Rich, character driven games where I feel an attachment to the characters
What are your pet peeves in games: Games with throw away narratives and games that tack on a MP mode that isn't needed
Currently campaigning for: Until Dawn - deserves support for redefining the genre and lots of creativity

Favorite game (currently):
Rocket League - just can't put it down

Favorite game (all-time):
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Golf

Favorite genre
: Action/Adventure and some sports (soccer/golf/racing)

Most anticipated:

What do you look for in games:
Pushing the envelope in creativity and design

What are your pet peeves in games:
Lack of options to enjoy the story/difficulty/character/rules how "I" want to play.
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Reactions: Frozpot
Currently campaigning for: Nothing. I don't usually campaign for games.

Favorite game: Morrowind.

Favorite genre: Action-adventure or RPG.

Most anticipated: Probably the new Mass Effect. I'm interested to see what they come up with.

What do you look for in games: Entertaining gameplay first of all, but beyond that, an interesting story/world, believable characters, and something unique.

What are your pet peeves in games: Stereotypical characters and dialog.
Favorite game: Not possible, played far to many fantastic games to pick ONE

Favorite genre: Open world sandbox.

Most anticipated: was Fallout 4, maybe Tomb Raider now.

What do you look for in games: that a good amount of time has passed and I've not noticed.

What are your pet peeves in games: games that have stupid difficulty spikes or are just to difficult.
Favorite game: GTA 5 this gen. Mario 64 overall

Favorite genre:
Open world sandbox & Action adventure

Most anticipated:
Uncharted 4

What do you look for in games:
Fun. And alot of random things to do within the game that can distract you for hours. Rockstar does this better than anyone else.

What are your pet peeves in games:
Cheap AI.
Currently campaigning for: For a quick game, Rocket League. Story-wise, Witcher 3.
Favorite game: Baldur's Gate II: Shadow of Amn
Favorite genre: RPG
Most anticipated: Below
What do you look for in games: Great story, engaging characters and game play.
What are your pet peeves in games: Collecting items. Sort of good and bad. Can become too distracting to the game. Racing in games that shouldn't have racing.
Currently campaigning for: The Phantom Pain

Favorite game: Hydro Thunder ( arcade)

Favorite genre:

Most anticipated: Fallout 4

What do you look for in games: polish, exploration

What are your pet peeves in games: linerarity, no replay value
Currently campaigning for: The Phantom Pain

Favorite game: Hydro Thunder ( arcade)

Favorite genre:

Most anticipated: Fallout 4

What do you look for in games: polish, exploration

What are your pet peeves in games: linerarity, no replay value

Me here all the way, aside from favorite game. For me that would have to be The Witcher 3 at this point.
Currently campaigning for: None
Favorite game: Gears of War
Favorite genre: Racing - Sim
Most anticipated: The Division
What do you look for in games: Quality and Fun
What are your pet peeves in games: Gamers cheating.
Currently campaigning for: Mad Max

Favorite game: KOTOR

Favorite genre: Action/Adventure

Most anticipated: Just Cause 3

What do you look for in games: A great single player campaign

What are your pet peeves in games: Random difficulty spikes; poor save systems
Currently campaigning for: Grand Theft Auto V for the PS4 and Just Cause 2 for PS3.
Favorite game: GTA V, Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2
Favorite genre: Sandbox, RPG, Action/Adeventure
Most anticipated: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Mass Effect: Andromeda, GTA VI
What do you look for in games: Great single player campaign, exploration and wonder, engaging characters, fun gameplay and mechanics
What are your pet peeves in games: Not a pet peeve but gaming annualisation really. The best games are generally those that come out every 3,4 or 5 years.
Currently campaigning for: Rocket League. Really needs to be played to understand.

Favorite game: Right now? Rocket League.

Favorite genre: Melee combat games

Most anticipated: All the VR experiences we'll be getting next year.

What do you look for in games: Fun.

What are your pet peeves in games: Microtransactions/preorder bonuses/day 1 DLC
Currently campaigning for: I don't actively push games, but I've been impressed with The Evil Within or Until Dawn. I might also randomly suggest The Stanley Parable

Favorite game: City of Heroes / CIty of Villains. Such a fun casual MMO experience. I don't know why NC-Soft killed it.

Favorite genre: 3rd Person shooters. A close 2nd favorite game of mine was Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and also enjoyed the stealth action of Splinter Cell.

Most anticipated: No plans for more games at the moment. Just to busy.

What do you look for in games: Lately, I want a quick action game experience. I just don't have the time to get involved in long campaigns, so now I'm just playing lots of Mortal Kombat.

What are your pet peeves in games: Anything with a random timer or having to guide and protect a helpless NPC that keeps getting killed.
Currently campaigning for: A Hideo Kojima Game and Rocket League
Favorite game: Super Metroid
Most anticipated: Uncharted 4
What do you look for in games: For them to be fun
What are your pet peeves in games: Userbase fracturing DLC
Currently campaigning for: Street Fighter 5
Favorite game: Demons Souls
Favorite genre: FPS
Most anticipated: Bloodborne DLC
What are your pet peeves in games: When games are 2 short and don't have a MP component.
Currently campaigning for: Mad max
Favorite game: Ultima Underworld and the souls games
Favorite genre: Open world RPG
Most anticipated: Fallout 4
What do you look for in games: Gameplay, difficulty, emphasis on player choices to approach different situations
What are your pet peeves in games: Lack of options, hand holding, on rails bullsh!t
Currently campaigning for: None.
Favorite game: Street Fighter Series. f*** off moneyhat$.
Favorite genre: Fighters
Most anticipated: Cuphead.
What do you look for in games: Fun.
What are your pet peeves in games: Fanboys.
Currently campaigning for: Fallout 4
Favorite game: LoZ:OoT
Favorite genre: RPG
Most anticipated: Fallout 4 and Battlefront.
What do you look for in games: Story, fun.
What are your pet peeves in games: Not much really

Ladies and Gentlemen! I've finally reviewed each of your work and graded accordingly. Below are the class rankings of those results. I hope you find your place on the list to be acceptable. If not...better luck next time I suppose. I docked people points for three things...One, non answers. Two, poor responses to question number five. And three, answers that I deem unintelligent. Might want to start hanging out with timmy-boy a little more and maybe find other things to do when Plainview asks you to hang out...Just a suggestion.

1. timmy-boy
2. Videodrome
3. Grimmy
4. Oblong
5. CFogle21
6. Valliance
7. Razzel.
8. jorlen
9. And.
10. Dno69
11. 00 Youngstar oo
12. Lucid Rifter
13. WithGravy
14. menace-uk
15. yankeessuck
16. Z A C K
17. Plainview

Oh and MW, Bellybama, and team56th...

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Reactions: Registered User 1
Currently campaigning for: Nothing. Play what you like.

Favorite game: One game? If I had to choose, probably the original Ninja Gaiden on NES. I had been gaming for a while, but it didn't take me long to figure out after playing NG that I was hooked for life.

Favorite genre: Same as above, only one? I like social, competitive multiplayer experiences the most and certain genres lend themselves better than others. Fighters. FPSs. TPSs. Take your pick.

Most anticipated: Difficult. This slot would normally go to Phantom Dust, but no progress is being made it seems, so I it would probably be Sea of Thieves. I'm interested in what it may bring. Lot of honorable mentions here though.

What do you look for in games: I don't really look for anything and try to keep an open mind. If anything, multiplayer and replayability has become important in recent years, so that I guess.

What are your pet peeves in games: Poor design choices, especially ones that punish the player, even more so when they were doing what they should have been doing.
I'm so glad I have been ranke... hang on a minute!

Do you have me on ignore, This_Hard_Land?

Oh wait, if you have me on ignore then you can't read this because you have me on ignore and you won't be able to respond to say that you have me on ignore because you are ignoring me.

Such is life.
Best thread you've made THL. That's my quota of compliments to you for the year. Merry F'n Christmas.

Currently campaigning for:
MGS5 - Best campaign I've played in years.

Favorite game: Halo CE...because it brought me back to console gaming as an adult. Still the best game in the series once we get past the out-dated visuals.

Favorite genre:
1. FPS 2. Sports 3. Western RPGs

Most anticipated: Halo 5

What do you look for in games: Dynamic gameplay. Doesn't matter the genre. I get bored with anything that's too scripted or plays the exact same unless it's a real skill test or has an amazing story.

What are your pet peeves in games: Crap AI. Environments that look like I could break through or climb over but can't. Doors that don't do anything. (Invisible walls). Scripted set pieces - they are over-done these days.

Currently campaigning for:
Wit her 3 - I've given up narcotics easier, this game is addictive!

Favorite game: FFVIII It was the first game of the generation I ever played, and I'd never been moved to tears by a game before. That, and Squall is a fox.

Favorite genre:
RPG's. Anything with enough story.

Most anticipated: FallOut 4 -I'm expecting to be disappointed on this one though.

What do you look for in games: Story and emotion. The cheesiest story ever, if told well, can have a sense of grandeur. And a great story can sell me on genres I'd not normally be drawn towards. Beyond Good or Evil is a great example of this.

What are your pet peeves in games:
Super long load times. Load times for zoning when it is mandatory.
Games that take themselves too seriously when they're cheesy.
When games have mandatory fail points. (you must survive until this point, then we'll make you lose)
Useless exploration (oh... I can go down these 8 corridors... But there's no reason?!)
Linearity (why can't I go down these other corridors)
Lackluster supporting cast (they shouldn't be D grade, because they're not the main character)
Too many collectibles (Ubisoft, I can't see the f***ing map)
Not enough options for lore exploration (why aren't there any collectibles, that offer some more?!)
Unskippable cutscenes/dialogue (Diablo 3, I've done the same quest 200 times, let me skip the banter)
Baited DLC (I bought your game, f*** off. If you didn't include it, I don't want what you're selling, and stop telling me in-game)
Controls that overlap (If I keep hitting X to skip conversation, then end up stabbing the king, that's not my fault)

I'm sure there's some more...