Gaming Review PlayStation VR: Game changing or soon to be forgotten peripheral?

Lol Kinect. What I am playing in VR blows away everything I ever tried with kinect. It's so far beyond it, it feels 20 years ahead versus 5 years. I understand ppl want to rationalize the wait or downplay it, but it's the real deal and it works well.

I would compare kinect to playing Atari on a black and white TV, then jumping and playing Mario 64 in full color.

Comparing to the Kinect is like comparing apples to a sexy lobster.
I'm not going to say that any Kinect experiences so far (almost all on version 1) demand anything other than this response. I will however say, that it is entirely possible that Kinect gets a 2nd life as a VR enhancement (not unlike Move for Sony), which promises to actually do more for VR than any current setup, via Handpose software that apparently Microsoft Research is still developing. The following video is from early summer:

Whether this software makes it into Microsoft VR plans involving those new headsets or possibly Scorpio, is anybody's guess right now.
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When that porn game comes out the game will be changed forever. I wonder if they'll bundle a bottle of windex with it so you can wipe your helmet down when you're done.
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When that porn game comes out the game will be changed forever. I wonder if they'll bundle a bottle of windex with it so you can wipe your helmet down when you're done.
Are your eyes ejaculating? You should get that checked out...