Remedy: Striving for the perfect narrative for games for Quantum Break


We The North 🦖🍁
Sep 12, 2013
Sounds really cool, when is this supposed to be released again?

“The great thing about it was each episode had its own three act structure and ended on a cliffhanger, which kind of prodded you on to see what happened next. Sam got the idea from that, that this would be a fantastic fit for a video game, especially a video game that has very strong narrative, because we're telling the story over ten plus hours.

Remedy’s upcoming Xbox One exclusive Quantum Break, which tells the story of a time travel experiment gone wrong and gifts the title’s three main characters with abilities to manipulate time, is taking cues from the lessons learned in Max Payne and Alan Wake, and taking it to another level. Each segment of gameplay will be split into episodes, and once each is completed, players will unlock an episode of live action TV which is included on the disc already.

“The game and the show are designed to be built as one experience, to be experienced as one package. So you play an episode of the game, then you can unlock an episode of the show, play another episode of the game, and unlock another episode of the show, and so on.

“Without telling too much, you'll be looking at two different sides of the coin from a story perspective. In the game you'll be following the story of one theme, in the show you'll be following the story of another theme. These are meshing together to form the whole experience.”

He adds: “Obviously we are not naive to the fact that some people may not necessarily want to watch some linear media when they slot out their gaming time. So once it is unlocked, it's unlocked for you to jump in or experience whenever you then so choose. So it could be you catch up on it through your tablet device or your mobile device on the bus to work, and then you get home and you're ready for the next experience.

“With Quantum Break we're obviously doing a hell of a lot of research yet again and at the same time we are pushing the characters forward to now fit into that world even better, make these realistic environments and worlds that give you that sense of place.”

Remedy’s ambitions and hopes are high, but Remedy’s core focus on telling stories in games means the studio at least has the know how to take a stab at tying together the TV and games mediums in to one package.

Hakkinen remarks: “We know that our experience is going to be very revolutionary and just looking at what we have right now, we can see that we're going to set a bar."
I remember it was some time next year. Can't take as long as Alan Wake did anyways; Remedy kind of wandered as to where that game had to go, which does not seem to be the case with QB.
I remember it was some time next year. Can't take as long as Alan Wake did anyways; Remedy kind of wandered as to where that game had to go, which does not seem to be the case with QB.

I don't remember hearing anything even hinting at a date yet. I'm fearful that it'll be 2015 just because we've seen so little of the actual game itself to date, but if the fine folks at Remedy want to take that as a challenge to prove me wrong and release it next year, I'll take one for the team. ;)

So good. :banana:
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My most anticipated X1 game. These guys and Quantic Dream... dat story telling