Scotland, yay or nay?


Go Leafs Go!
Sep 11, 2013
This is a big deal should the vote turn out "Yes".

Anyone else gonna be keeping an eye on this?
It's a vote by all registered Scottish citizens to become an independent, self-sufficient country from what I gather.

I can only relate to it by thinking about the Quebec referendum and what that may have meant for my own country.

Though in this case there's a much much longer history of that desire.
Not really going to keep an eye on it. The result is going to be yes. I have no doubt about it. What I will keep on eye on is how long it takes the Scottish folk to realize their mistake.
Not really going to keep an eye on it. The result is going to be yes. I have no doubt about it. What I will keep on eye on is how long it takes the Scottish folk to realize their mistake.

I think it'll be the opposite.

No. Stick with the same.

Scotland has a chance to go free, but will stay with what's already working.

Everyone's afraid to rock the boat in this corporate run society, one mistake and you're out of a job blah blah.
51% no. So half the country wants change?

Nothing to be concerned about.
I'd love to see a Yes vote but I think No will scrape by with it.
My money is on a No. Why should I care though? That is a serious question.
It looks like a No for sure at this point.

Scotland remains under the umbrella of the British Empire and all the security that goes along with that.

To me it's nice to see a democratic solution (a vote among those affected directly) happen and an outcome from that versus a violent approach.

Hopefully England will see that near half of Scotland isn't feeling like it's getting a fair shake in the deal and make amends.

If I were living in Scotland I would have voted Yes though.
That's that then. They're staying. Probably for the best.
Yes, because Australians know a thing or two about Scotland and the UK.


That joke went right over your head didn't it.
Words, beliefs and reality are... sometimes at odds. Good on yee, dodged the bullet of finding out freedom isn’t free, and economic collapse.