Sony overhypes (as usual), this time gets caught by feds

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013

"As we enter the year's biggest shopping period, companies need to be reminded that if they make product promises to consumers — as Sony did with the 'game changing' features of its PS Vita— they must deliver on those pledges,"Jessica Rich, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said in a statement. "The FTC will not hesitate to act on behalf of consumers when companies or advertisers make false product claims."

About time, I say. For so many years, Sony's continued to over-hype products, and make claims which are either out-right false, or exceptionally misleading. Glad to see someone else noticed.
There's a thread about this already. But yeah I agree. Sony over promised on this one.

I wonder if Microsoft will catch a case in the future if the cloud thing don't work out as they suggested it would?
s*** shall we post all the times MS has been busted by governments of the world?

Mod Edit- no need for the insults.
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There's a thread about this already. But yeah I agree. Sony over promised on this one.

I wonder if Microsoft will catch a case in the future if the cloud thing don't work out as they suggested it would?

The cloud already has worked out as Microsoft suggested:

1. Unlimited save space for users (expands every time you buy a product)
2. All Xbox services are hosted in the cloud, and leveraged across multiple platforms/devices
3. All gamers' virtual libraries' hosted in the cloud, for easy roaming of rights, etc.
4. Countless other services (matchmaking, title managed storage, leaderboards, data platform, etc., etc., etc.)
5. Games at launch used it heavily:
- Forza 5: Drivatar
6. Game post-launch used it heavily:
- Titanfall: dedicated hosting, cloud AI
- Forza Horizon 2: Drivatar
7. Games on the horizon plan to use it even more:
- Crackdown/city destruction, etc.

No, there's no case there. The cloud's already delivered what Microsoft promised, and it'll only get better over time.
s*** shall we post all the times MS has been busted by governments of the world? ah Flynn is pretty dumb as usual.

When has Microsoft *EVER* been busted for false advertisement, and lost the case? I'm genuinely interested, so if you know of a case - please - let's here it. the meantime, I'll just enjoy the usual suspects coming out to look pathetic defending their precious Sony. Ah, zealots. Predictable and enjoyable to the end!
When has Microsoft *EVER* been busted for false advertisement, and lost the case? I'm genuinely interested, so if you know of a case - please - let's here it. the meantime, I'll just enjoy the usual suspects coming out to look pathetic defending their precious Sony. Ah, zealots. Predictable and enjoyable to the end!

Who's defending here? Sony messed up for sure on this one.
Not smart, Flynn. You're banned from posting in the PS forum because of incessant trolling, and now you're posting threads with sarcastic anti-Sony remarks in the MP section. Consider yourself warned.
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