The 2016 United States Presidential Election Thread.

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Either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be President. That is all there is to it.

Those are not the only two options to vote for and such thinking is why we have the two worst people running for the highest office in our country.

I don't vote for any party. Many don't. Everyone with a brain knows the two other candidates have zero shot. Not this time. Not even close.

lol yeah sure, when was the last time you voted for a republican? i'd see you vote for an R as much as i'd see anderson cooper getting married to a woman.

this is how you sound...
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Those are not the only two options to vote for and such thinking is why we have the two worst people running for the highest office in our country.

lol yeah sure, when was the last time you voted for a republican? i'd see you vote for an R as much as i'd see anderson cooper getting married to a woman.

this is how you sound...

Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama and I'm a registered independent.
Those are not the only two options to vote for and such thinking is why we have the two worst people running for the highest office in our country.

They are the only two that can win. If you want to talk about whether that should be the case that is fine but Gary Johnson can't win.

But on that subject the problem with these other parties is they only show up every 4 years. Although I do think they should lower the threshold needed to get into the debates but these other parties can't even find anyone to bother to run in the most local of elections and we are supposed to feel dumb for not taking them seriously. Also don't run wackos like Jill Stein and don't do this...

There are good points from both sides here, Morfeeis is right in that as long as we are trapped in the mindset that we only have two choices it's always going to come down to the lesser of two evils, the only way to change that is for large numbers of people to vote for candidates outside of the two party monopoly. The problem is while this is the right way to think and I agree with him 100% it's more of a long term plan, there is no way Johnson or Stein have a shot this election, partly because they are almost ignored by the media so it's much harder for them to get their message out but also because there are still too many people locked into the two party mindset. Voting for Johnson or Stein right now is voting your conscience but it's not a vote for someone who has a shot at winning. In a perfect world we'd all vote our conscience, a vote should be for who you want to represent you and not used as a defensive move to keep someone else out, sadly we don't live in a perfect world. The more people see others vote outside of the two party system the more it will hopefully encourage others to do the same as time goes on, while it won't change anything this election and probably not even in the next one it could help break more people out of the bubble and get them to look outside the two parties.
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I didn't think my opinion of you could get any lower, you voted for Bush! And twice! My God man have you no soul? Even i voted for Gore...
I'm crying. That's hurts me so much. How will I survive? Wasn't a fan of Gore during his presidential run, never was as a vp, and you never, ever, switch presidents in the middle of a war. That's stupidity. So, I proved you wrong, again, then you have to rely on trying to hurt my feelings because you have nothing else.
Full townhall

He's an awful candidate. Just read a summary of his stances. He's awful. His stance on health care, guns and taxes are awful. Better than Trump, but that's not hard. I should have known he would be an awful candidate since he's a Libertarian. Gave it a shot.
I'm crying. That's hurts me so much. How will I survive? Wasn't a fan of Gore during his presidential run, never was as a vp, and you never, ever, switch presidents in the middle of a war. That's stupidity. So, I proved you wrong, again, then you have to rely on trying to hurt my feelings because you have nothing else.
lol did you just say you proved me wrong on an opinion? dude you're getting desperate now...


I don't think there's a next for you man. We already went at. You and morfeeis have been going at it for how long now? Seems like this site is pro-Hillary or pro-Don't vote for big scary Trump guy. So yeah, i see this thread being reduced to memes soon. We took our stance, now it's time to see who wins.
Opinions can be wrong too. "I think that completely black dress is too yellow." You done thought wrong.
That would also depend on me seeing you as an honest person and that i do not.
I've posted it many times on here. Don't care if you believe me or not.

You're making yourself look more and more like the person that got run off other forums. Now I know what they were talking about when you joined here.
I've posted it many times on here. Don't care if you believe me or not.

You're making yourself look more and more like the person that got run off other forums. Now I know what they were talking about when you joined here.


If i have offended you, i apologize. This has devolved into a personal issue and i don't have the energy for such a task.
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Voting for the lesser evil is stupid. Don't vote at all then. At that point, you're just admitting that you voted to try and keep the other guy out of office. Don't make it personal, vote if you believe in the person.
I liked Al Gore but I have to admit he was an awful candidate, he kept trying to be someone he wasn't and it showed, his behavior during the debates was just awful.
Voting for the lesser evil is stupid. Don't vote at all then. At that point, you're just admitting that you voted to try and keep the other guy out of office. Don't make it personal, vote if you believe in the person.

When you feel that way that's when you should vote for a 3rd party candidate, not voting at all is what the other two parties like especially the republicans.
One i left bud two... Like it maters it's the internet who cares. You just dont strike me as the kind of person who i would trust. I could be wrong and lets just say i was in this case.

If i have offended you, i apologize. This has devolved into a personal issue and i don't have the energy for such a task.
When someone lies I correct them. No feelings hurt. You're too insignificant to me to hurt my feelings. What I won't allow is someone to disrespect me.
400,000,000.00 is enough to pull off 80 9/11 terrorist attacks. Obama says its not a ransom but the Plane with the hostages wasn't allowed to leave until the "Money plane" arrived which is why they had to wait 8 hrs on the strip. Iran openly claims we paid a ransom (as seen in the video) and this sets a terrible precedent to anybody who would kidnap or jail our people for more of the same.
Hillarys corruption will make this look like childs play.
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