Xbox One is DLNA compatible, supports audio CD playback, Microsoft confirms

Can someone explain to me why both next-gen consoles have decided to prohibit ripping a music CD (or MP3s) to the hard drive? That is a feature I use all the time in the 360. Seems rather strange to remove it. I understand the "we want to make money" angle, i.e., forcing people to use their music subscription services. Is there anything more to it than that? I'm certainly not going to be pushed into paying for a music service.

I'm sure gonna miss the :xbox: days when you could customize your soundtracks (if the game supported it). I remember some games even allowed you to insert your music into the main OST (True Crime 1 did this rather well).
Nah its been updated. Guy made a mistake :sad: You get 15 free tracks then have to buy the pass if you want to still use it.