Xbox One Succeeds Where the Wii U Has Failed: User Feedback

Console hardware is pretty much "what you've got, you're stuck with", and software can only be tweaked so much. Although Nintendo has got flack last bunch of years for making a cruddy Wii U,, what's done is done.

But it'll be interesting what this new NX system is. Will it be a return to the glory days of competing head to head in specs like the old gens? Or another try at underpowered systems sold cheaper hoping casuals prefer spending $250-300, vs. MS/Sony systems at $350-400.

Probably going to be one or the other. No point making a similarly powered system at similar price to X1/PS4. Got to go either bigger and badder, or cheaper, less powerful but some kind of unique feature that drives gamers to buy it in full force like Wii in 2006-2008.

Going by pasty history, Nintendo used to compete in hardware specs, but when it comes to price has always been on the cheaper side or average side. I don't think they've ever released consoles/handhelds at the upper tier/highest price. There's always some other brand or two at higher price tags.