Xbox One's 1st Firmware update....what do we want?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
The Xbox One's OS is missing a few things we have grown to like and are now missing or cumbersome. When Microsoft releases an update to the OS, what are some things you think should be included? Below are a few of mine.

1. I would like to be able to send recorded messages.
2.Real names.....The older I get...the more I forget.
3. Memory management....I mean
- Voice messages
- Sorting the squares in each tab
- Battery life indicator
- HDD remaining space tracker
- An easier way to find things in the Games tab. I had to search FIFA to see the FIFA demo box
-Wider UI, it's smaller than what they showed at the reveal because they crammed all the apps, music and videos in one section. They should be divided instead of having them in one screen IMO.

- Fix all the issues like games and apps crashes (I know it shouldn't be here but it should be done)

- Notifications for when favorites are online only

- more voice shortcuts. I wish they would have a "Xbox reply to message" or at least specify shortcuts without having to say "Xbox ____"

- able to sign in on to your account offline (not sure if this is just an issue)
- a voice recognition trainer that you can go through on your profile, similar to the dragon naturally-speaking stuf, that will teach the system to understand the way you speak
- a timeout option for auto-logged in profiles; if the Kinect doesn't see the person for x minutes, log out their profile automatically (only to be used when Kinect logon is on)
- when multiple profiles are logged in, allow for a gesture such as waving to tell the Kinect who the "active" user is
- appears to be an issue with crushed blacks, or "too dark" overall especially for games that are upscaled to 1080p
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fix the horrible Netflix app. I want it to look like and have the functionality as the 360 and PS4 versions.
give me the option to completely shut down the system when I hold down the xbox button.
pin anything to your pins section
the crushed blacks/over sharpening making aliasing worse.
battery life indicator for your game pad
bring back the homebutton menu where you could access pretty much everything(friends list, achievements, entering codes, etc.)
pin anything to your pins section
the crushed blacks/over sharpening making aliasing worse.
battery life indicator for your game pad
bring back the homebutton menu where you could access pretty much everything(friends list, achievements, entering codes, etc.)
Technically they still have the home button....its just a bigger I'll be honest with you...I don't even notice the aliasing...I wonder if it's just me being used to it for all these years.
Technically they still have the home button....its just a bigger I'll be honest with you...I don't even notice the aliasing...I wonder if it's just me being used to it for all these years.

aliasing just really sticks out like a sore thumb to me, especially when it's flickering and moving lol. bf4 is really guilty of this. Like the aliasing is even on the damn guns at times haha
A fix so that when my wife or son tries to launch TV when I'm at work that it actually works, rather than having me try to troubleshoot on google talk for fifteen minutes and finally having her change the power settings and do a hard shutdown.
- Join in Progress
- A better Friends app. One that instantly shows our friends and you can set default views on
- A better way to view achievements
- A fix for smart match so that you have friends in your lobby not playing the same game, it doesn't get screwed up.
- Shortcut voice commands. eg: not having to say a full game title
Xbox music (and other music devices) to run in the background, controls done with verbal commands or menu button somehow.
all the issues above +

Stream music and video from my computer. Where the heck did that feature go? I have to keep my xbox 360 connected just to listen to my music collection. I thought this was suppose to be the one device for everything?

More compelling reason to use TV app. How about interactive elements for certain shows. Guide needs a lot of improvements, it takes forever to find anything, simple commands like jump up or jump down get conflicts even.

Why cant you just say a channel number?

Kinnect hand recognition seems hit or miss. Sometimes I can hold my hand out as long as I want and get nothing.

Arcade + more game demos.

skydrive app should let you chose what you use to login. My stuff is on a different account than my xbox account so its worthless.

Skype app is nice, but it would be awesome if you could manually control the zooming if you wanted with the controller.
auto-sign in feature w/o Kinect like the 360. I am the only one that uses my xb1 so when I turn it on, I just want it to sign me in automatically.
- Voice messages
- Sorting the squares in each tab
- Battery life indicator
- HDD remaining space tracker
- An easier way to find things in the Games tab. I had to search FIFA to see the FIFA demo box

Not to derail, but there's a FIFA demo? There's apparently an NBA Live demo as well. I need to figure out how to add demos to my queue.
memory management, hard drive space? how is this not available now?
games kicking me back to the dashboard, has happened twice with 2 different games
battery life indicator
separate volumes for snap and the main screen
kinect voice coming up for no reason and i have to say stop listening, this has happened a lot
stereo sound from optical? my turtle beaches need to be surround sound like they are on the 360

*I know this wont happen but i wish i could watch cable tv without the xbox being on or at least have it work when its in low power mode since it seems like it is always on even when i shut down. i will not be using the tv features unless this gets changed or i try an hdmi splitter
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- Join in Progress
- A better Friends app. One that instantly shows our friends and you can set default views on
- A better way to view achievements
- A fix for smart match so that you have friends in your lobby not playing the same game, it doesn't get screwed up.
- Shortcut voice commands. eg: not having to say a full game title
What don't you like about achievements currently?
Frankly, I've only put around 12 hours into the console so far so the only big ones for me:

-DD on the optical out ASAP
-Improve Profile Switching or only really make it work in games that can use it. I don't want X game dumping to start screen because it detected a sign in change when I'm helping my son with a certain part of a game.
-This is an OLD request but how about a Inbox/Sent for messages. Age them off every 30 days.
-More voice commands; they work great for the most part. With most things you just say "Xbox, Select" and it will apply "tags" to the stuff on screen so you can launch but as others have mentioned, there are definite gaps.
-I actually like the Netflix interface but cant figure out how to view episodes when watching a show (on 360, you just press down on the remote and it brings up the menu)
-Improve gesture support
-Add Media Center Extender support to TV (in reality, I don't even know if this works or not; haven't had time to dig into the settings; a no-go through the wizard as far as I can tell)

I'll probably have a ton more as I use the system more. Overall though, loving the system.
Haven't even tried the app....whats the differance?
X1 version

360 and PS4 version

It pisses me off because they finally gave us a great Netflix app on the 360 minus the signal bar and went all r******d and did this to the X1.
I just want more options within the system. More options for party chat that they took away. More options for the Friends list to come up easier. I want to be able to customize/group things together more as well. They don't let you do anything, it's boring. I mean for the basic people that don't want to be surrounded by Kinect, a tablet, cell phone, etc.

I dislike the whole "Game Party" thing now. It's not really a party chat. You're all supposed to be in the same game. I get it was a good idea, but if people start joining different servers or games, it pops up like in BF4 while you're in the heat of battle... "So & so has joined a game, it's ready for you, hit A to accept, B to decline." Half the time you hit A by accident because you were doing something else. Then what happens, you're whisked out of your game to another game you didn't even want to be in. That is dumb as f*ck, I'm sorry. lol. You only see the 4 people out of 8 in your party unless you click on it. You can't kick people. It's an extra step to get to your Friends/Messages.

I would DIE for a simple, mini-guide coming up like it used to, but just 3-4 options on it like:

1.) Friends/Recent Players
2.) Messages
3.) Party Chat
4.) Home it doesn't even pop up when ANYBODY comes online anymore. I really miss that. Like you're just supposed to know your friends came on while you were playing? C'mon now, who made this garbage? It's like it's Xbox:Office now or for teenage girls. lol. I couldn't even figure out how to play NBA2k14 with somebody the other day because there aren't even game invites, just game party invites. It took 10 mins to figure it out, it's a dumb system. Just make game invites/join in progress again.
storage manager - local and cloud

like button for uploaded videos
ability to take/upload sceenshot
better upload video compression
better management our upload channel

when viewing achievements you have earned you only see title - you have to click on each and wait to see its description. allow me to flip achievement like a cars and view not only the description but other stats like percentage of my friends and world that have it.

option to view friends list by avatar
recent players list
What don't you like about achievements currently?
The 6 panel displayThe list is organised by last played.
What don't you like about achievements currently?

It's just not as easy to get into or to use. To be honest though, this one I could get used to if there was a way to show more than 6 on a screen at any one time