Yes! Dumb and Dumber To. Carrey and Daniels are back!!!

They are too old now in my opinion. A reboot, or at least a recast would have been better.
It's kind of funny to look at metacritic for movies, it's kind of the opposite of what I usually see in metacritic for video games. In video games critic reviews are always higher and user reviews are quite a bit lower, yet for movies it seems the opposite.
It's kind of funny to look at metacritic for movies, it's kind of the opposite of what I usually see in metacritic for video games. In video games critic reviews are always higher and user reviews are quite a bit lower, yet for movies it seems the opposite.
The original Dumb & Dumber got horrible reviews as well, it was a comedy classic imo.
So anyone else see it? My wife just left with a couple gf' to see it, the first is one of our favorite comedies.
Haven't seen the movie because I'm waiting for December for when I get my free birthday tickets. Although the actual movie has been a big financial success so far.
I finally got around to seeing it today. Holy s***, I laughed my balls off. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard in a movie theater, but I'm sure I ruined a few dates. f*** the critics on a personal level, but I was the only who REALLY enjoyed it. I found the movie great, the comedy was great with fantastic timing by everybody, Carrey's emotes just go above and beyond, and this is the ultimate movie for lovers of good gags.