Your Biggest Gaming 'Guilty Pleasures'

Funny thing is, my wife and I used to play DOA beach volleyball in college. Its an easy, accessible game that is actually pretty fun. Felt zero shame playing it with her.
Aw, I liked DA 2. Just played it recently (well, 2/3 of it, anyhow). I wasn't embarrassed a bit to say that I enjoyed it. It wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be.
So after conducting a bit of a poll (here and other places) I managed to come up with 7 games that I thought were kind of guilty pleasures. Of course don't just read the titles... you have to read the explanations too! If you're so inclined make sure to leave a comment (there, not here.... well here, but there too) or even SHARE IT! Sharing is caring after all and I know how caring the UnionVGF community is right? RIGHT!?! Anyhow, have a read at the final article!
Peggle!? I love Peggle! No shame.
Hahaha... remember fellas this was a poll of quite a few people! Besides, when you're providing an article to a site you also have to be able to keep the content light and funny and those 7 choices were easy pickings for the funny! I MEAN DID YOU READ THAT CANDY CRUSH BIT!?!!?