PlayStation 4 discussion v2.0

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New features in PS4 FW 1.70 via Playstation Blog


New PS4 Tools and Middleware for developers
Happy GDC! Today we’re announcing that we will continue to strengthen our support for the global independent developer community by introducing more tools and middleware solutions for PS4.

SCE has entered into strategic partnerships to bring new native solutions from popular middleware vendors GameMaker:Studio and MonoGame to PS4, further expanding an already robust set of development tools. We’re also announcing that fully integrated solutions for Unity are now available for PS3 and PS Vita, with the highly anticipated early access version for PS4 coming in April 2014. Unity, GameMaker:Studio and MonoGame represent the most popular game development tools leveraged by universities and independent developers alike, and are used for both prototyping and full-scale game development.

Jointly developed by SCE and YoYo Games, a GameMaker:Studio-native solution for PS4 is now available free for all SCE-licensed developers, making it even easier for developers to bring their 2D games to the more than 6 million global PS4 owners. Developers of beloved games like Hyper Light Drifter by Heart Machine, Samurai Gunn by Teknopants, Risk of Rain by Hopoo Games, Home by Benjamin Rivers and Nuclear Throne by Vlambeer are now able to more efficiently convert their titles from PC to PS4 as of a result of GameMaker:Studio’s native export capabilities.

MonoGame makes up the C#-based open-sourced engine suite available for licensed developers, and was first used in the development of Matt Makes Games‘ acclaimed Towerfall: Ascension for PS4. In the coming months, MonoGame will also help bring Mercenary Kings (Tribute Games) and Transistor (Supergiant Games) to PS4.

We’re also announcing the release of SCE’s powerful game development tool Authoring Tools Framework as a free, open source download from the popular GitHub hosting site. SCE’s ATF is widely used within SCE to develop PS3, PS4, PS Vita and PSP titles such as The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls.

Today’s newly announced middleware solutions will join ATF and SCE’s graphics-rendering engine PhyreEngine. SCE-sponsored development tools are available for all licensed developer partners.

SCE continues to set a high benchmark across the industry for working with developers worldwide to bring the world’s greatest and most innovative games to PlayStation platforms, including improved processes, flexible policies and extensive resource support. With more than 100 games in development for PS4 from independent developers and more than 1,000 licensed self-publishers, PS4 will continue to be the most appealing platform for both developers and gamers.
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I read that it will also allow Twitch-broadcasts to be archieved in addition to the other Share-features mentioned in your post. :)

Here at PlayStation, we listen closely to your comments and requests, which are weighted heavily when looking at the future of our platforms. Since PlayStation 4launched, we’ve heard a lot of great feedback from you about what you like with the platform and what you’d like to see us work on.

I’m happy to report that, as a direct result of your feedback, we’ll soon be bringing some of your most-requested features to PS4 with a system software update in the upcoming weeks. These features and additions will help make your PS4 even more socially connected by further enabling you to customise your most epic gaming moments and granting even more options to show them to your friends.

This upcoming update will add a rich video editor with a simple tool to personalise your video clips, and you’ll also be able to export to and save the videos and screenshots you create by pressing the SHARE button to a USB drive. In addition, this update will add an HDCP off option for capturing gameplay via HDMI, a feature we’ve previously said would come after launch.

We recognise that some gamers want to record and share longer clips of their gameplay sessions, and we’re excited to deliver this option with PS4. There’s a lot more coming in this update as well, so stay tuned for more — there will be plenty in the update to excite everyone.

As part of a separate system software update in the future, we have been working with our partners at Twitch and Ustream, and will also be adding the ability for Twitch broadcasts to be archived – another highly requested feature among PS4 fans who are taking advantage of the SHARE button features. These broadcasts will be also provided with a higher resolution of 720p, so PS4 fans can enjoy live broadcasts with clearer images. We’ll have more to come on these updates and more in the coming weeks.
Sucker Punch tweeted that preloading content for games before the releasedate wouldn't become available until April - in a follow-up question when someone asked when the Infamous-game would be available on the store.:-/
So I guess that's coming.. :)
picked up a PS4 yesterday :)
not got any games yet but with both XBone and PS4 from now on i am going fully digital :D
might try out that 'outlast'
Tell us what you think of the system once you get the hang of things.
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Very interesting that the touch pad is actually two buttons. One if you click on the left and one of you click on the right side of it.
PS4 systems in stock at Best Buy online and it looks like even local store. Think that's the first time I've seen it.
o_O I can't even tell what that thing is...

Back in the old days when dinaosaurs like myself roamed the world - people used to write text with special tools called 'pens' on a special material-layer called 'paper', instead of just typing text on their phones. :-/

And when they wanted to highlight special sections of the text, they used thick a variety of colored brush-pens ontop of the original text - so parts of the text were highlighted...
Those pens were called 'color marker', so it's a picture of one such blue color marker. :)
I used to stomp trilobytes and couldnt figure out what that pic was nor can I figure out the joke now knowing such.

I dont have issues with tv glare from the controller but it is distracting to have this blue light in my hands when playing in a fully dark mancave. Im thinking about covering it with electrical tape or something.
The light bar is a game killer when you are trying to play a horror game in the dark. It would be nice if the light bar could be massively dimmed when in dark environments.

They discussed it abit on the current PSNation-podcast.
He'd reviewed Thief and Infamous in a dark room, and came to the conclussion that it were not normally noticable if you have something on the screen, unless the developer light it all the way up.
If it's completely black in the room and you don't have anything on the screen it might light up, but if anything is going on in the screen you don't usually notice it, unless the developers up the brightness.

In Thief, when you go into the light, it were alot easier to judge - due to the light on the bar shines up really bright white, once you step into the light.
In Infamous it also used to show good and bad, he tought that added abit to those two games. :)
Grabbed a copy of inFamous Second Son on Friday afternoon and managed to put about 45 mins on Friday night, so not much. Last night though, I put a few hours into it. So far, it's been incredible. Dem graphics! Smoke powers have been insanely cool at this point. Good play through first (as always), though I'm really looking forward to the neon power tree.
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They discussed it abit on the current PSNation-podcast.
He'd reviewed Thief and Infamous in a dark room, and came to the conclussion that it were not normally noticable if you have something on the screen, unless the developer light it all the way up.
If it's completely black in the room and you don't have anything on the screen it might light up, but if anything is going on in the screen you don't usually notice it, unless the developers up the brightness.

In Thief, when you go into the light, it were alot easier to judge - due to the light on the bar shines up really bright white, once you step into the light.
In Infamous it also used to show good and bad, he tought that added abit to those two games. :)
PSNation honestly sounds like it could be biased. But horror games do have a lot more of darker images on-screen by nature, and from my experience especially, the room gets lit up brightly when I should be in the darkest and scariest part of the game.
PSNation honestly sounds like it could be biased. But horror games do have a lot more of darker images on-screen by nature, and from my experience especially, the room gets lit up brightly when I should be in the darkest and scariest part of the game.

It's a Playstation podcast - mainly about PS3/PS4 and Vita. Dosn't mean they don't adress and criticise things.
They were pretty furious and a probably the harshest critic of PS-Plus - when it were announced.
They sometimes talk about games on other platforms, when they are talking about what they're playing. But for the most part, reviews, news and similar are PlayStation-platform centric.

- You said it would be nice if the lightbar could be turned down, devs have complete controll over the LED-light in the lightbar - demonstrated in Thief/Infamous/Soundshapes/Killzone, Outlast, etc. - I don't think the lightbar is a problem, that can be used both good and bad..

- In a horror game, I'd expect most games creators will dim the light on the controller down completely - unless they want to have the light on controller serve a particular purpose, like in Thief. If it's important for the atmosphere, and they suspect some people will find a problem with it. :-/
- Or in Outlast where it also sort of simulates the camera-light, normally white, turns green with nightvision, I think it also flash red during attacks.. :-/
Some people like it since shadows in your room might mess with your mind, and other people dislike it..
I think lightbar might be used both good and bad, in most games.
It's not a automatic game-killer, but it might be a good idea to add color-feedback option on/off in controller options in various games. :-)
It's a Playstation podcast - mainly about PS3/PS4 and Vita. Dosn't mean they don't adress and criticise things.
They were pretty furious and a probably the harshest critic of PS-Plus - when it were announced.
They sometimes talk about games on other platforms, when they are talking about what they're playing. But for the most part, reviews, news and similar are PlayStation-platform centric.

- You said it would be nice if the lightbar could be turned down, devs have complete controll over the LED-light in the lightbar - demonstrated in Thief/Infamous/Soundshapes/Killzone, Outlast, etc. - I don't think the lightbar is a problem, that can be used both good and bad..

- In a horror game, I'd expect most games creators will dim the light on the controller down completely - unless they want to have the light on controller serve a particular purpose, like in Thief. If it's important for the atmosphere, and they suspect some people will find a problem with it. :-/
- Or in Outlast where it also sort of simulates the camera-light, normally white, turns green with nightvision, I think it also flash red during attacks.. :-/
Some people like it since shadows in your room might mess with your mind, and other people dislike it..
I think lightbar might be used both good and bad, in most games.
It's not a automatic game-killer, but it might be a good idea to add color-feedback option on/off in controller options in various games. :-)
I was never talking about the LED light being a game-killer for Thief or Killzone. I'm talking about horror games, and for horror games, it's an automatic game-killer. And the worst part is we have zero control over it. It would be nice if the LED wasn't forcibly on at all times, and it would also be nice if wasn't so forcibly bright at that.
Are you the same guy that likes baseball from txb, maybe a different guy
I do like baseball, haha. My old avatar was Andy Pettitte of the Yankees on TXB. My brother uses the PS3 so I made a new account when I got the PS4.
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