Official Thread Among Us - Console Versions Out Now

I'm still in if we want to do a night and play.
I'm on PC. I'm in if we can get a few more people. The game is a blast but randoms get tiring.
I'd pick it up for Steam. Just haven't pulled trigger because of no one to play with.
Since it's going to be on Game Pass, any takers on trying to get something going from here?
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Reactions: Kerosene31

I'd be down for getting a UVGF game together. I'm sure it will run on any old PC. It isn't exactly Cyberpunk from a visual standpoint. :)
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Reactions: The Wolf King
I swear they made it sound at e3 like the game was hitting Xbox in a couple of days. Didn't they even say that Tuesday?
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Reactions: karmakid
I swear they made it sound at e3 like the game was hitting Xbox in a couple of days. Didn't they even say that Tuesday?

Yeah they made it seem Tuesday but that was for 15 player lobbies for the platforms it's already out on
  • Agree
Reactions: karmakid
I swear they made it sound at e3 like the game was hitting Xbox in a couple of days. Didn't they even say that Tuesday?
Yeah they made it seem Tuesday but that was for 15 player lobbies for the platforms it's already out on

With that kind of speak seems like they’d fit xbox well ;) :p
  • Haha
Reactions: DriedMangoes