Any opinions on Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon???


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
I haven't played Far Cry 3 yet, but Blood Dragon is on sale on XBL for less than $5.... Worth it?
I'm having a thought...

It's coming...

It's coming...

It's coming...

It's gone... :(
OMG get it! Such a great experience, especially if you were an 80s kid. The credits music alone is worth the price of admission.
Game is worth more than the $15 they originally charged. Soundtrack is awesome as hell as well.
Cool..sounds like most of you guys liked it...think I'll give it a go.
Don't forget the Rocky IV music when you're riding a dinosaur that shoots lasers.

What,you still need to hear more?
Check out the demo.

I couldn't get into it, probably because 1) I didn't play games back then (felt like a lot of inside jokes), and 2) I'd just come off a long Far Cry 3 game. If you haven't played Far Cry 3, you might check that out instead. You can probably get it for $15 used.
Check out the demo.

I couldn't get into it, probably because 1) I didn't play games back then (felt like a lot of inside jokes), and 2) I'd just come off a long Far Cry 3 game. If you haven't played Far Cry 3, you might check that out instead. You can probably get it for $15 used.

It was $5 on Xbox Live, so I went ahead and downloaded it....I've yet to open my actual copy of Far Cry 3....
I've played through the first stage so many god damn times. It never saves. I've given up on it. Found the first 15 minutes amusing though. Not so much on the 5th try.
I thought it was decent, a little overrated, but well worth your $5. You'll get a few good hours and laughs out of it and it's also a very solid shooting experience.

If you haven't checked out Far Cry 3 though, definitely do it! Awesome, awesome game, it's a shame it came out so late in 2012 or else I feel it would have gotten a lot more credit.
Awesome game and the first that I've actually got all the achievements on.
There's a bunch of 80's movie references. I enjoyed the crap out of it. $5 is a steal.
Your pistol is fuggin' Robocop's pistol, it has dragons that shoot lazers from their eyes and theres a button you can press to flip people off, I think if everyone knew that from the get go no one would ask whether they should get it... it's more of a must get it type situation!

If that doesn't convince you this gem of a song should.