Are JRPGs irrelevant?

I don't think JRPG's are irrelevant, I just think they are irrelevant to the success of Xbox One in America. Most people are going to get an Xbox One because it has enough features all around for the whole family & it's the newest, greatest thing around.

JRPG's are relevant though because Xbox does TERRIBLE in Japan. Sony destroys Microsoft worldwide usually while Microsoft only does extremely well in the U.S. (and moderate in Europe) So worldwide, JRPG's do make a difference, it's just they aren't as relevant in the U.S. anymore as most people enjoy action/sports/shooting games now. It's always better to have more developers support your platform than less to expand sales to more people through different genres, but a console like Xbox One in Japan is going to get a lot less support because developers are a business trying to make money.