Assassin's Creed Unity Code Up For Grabs!


I am a sinner.
Sep 11, 2013
Courtesy of aceattorney, we have an Assassin's Creed Unity code to give away. I've picked a number 1-100. Whoever is closest at the end of the week, gets it.

Make sure you don't guess if you already have the game. Let someone who doesn't have the game get it.
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Reactions: aceattorney

Goodjob aceattorney ! Sending some good karma your way.

It's folks like you, that I don't want to stab with little pins whilst standing on an escalator.
Quick! Someone mention resolution differences between PS4 Pro and Xbox Karen!

That way, everyone will get distracted for 5 pages, bitching about the same old crap they've been spouting for (in-reverse) for the past 4 years, and they'll forget to guess a number, meanwhile, our chances of victory climb! Muhahaha!

Oh, and the Xbox has no games, or something.