Blue Estate: rail shooter, PS4 6/24, X1 TBA


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Cornerstone Member
Sep 11, 2013
This is probably a piece of crap, but hey, it's a PS4 exclusive [well no it's not ... see below] releasing tomorrow that no one has ever heard of, so I figured I'd make a thread.

It's an on-rails shooter that incorporates the motion-control of the DS4. Uh yeah.

"While experiencing the smoothness of motion control in a rail shooter, using the unique motion sensor capabilities of the PlayStation®4, the player will enter a fight for his life against the most absurd and dangerous enemies, such as scar covered champions that fight-to-the-death, Tony’s own hair and Chihuahuas that are too happy to see you. Players are given a series of primary and secondary weapons to help make their way through the hilariously perilous missions which will come in handy defeating the bosses who’ll try to end your game and your life. But sometimes firepower isn’t enough, so think before shooting and use cover to prepare your strategy, reload often, and try not to get turned into grated cheese."
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Coming soon to PS4 and Xbox One?

Oh, okay, I just saw the PS4 story. Time-limited crap exclusive, then. Changed title, moved forum.

"Blue Estate is also in development for Xbox One, according to publisher Focus Home Interactive, though a release date on that platform has not yet been announced."

"The on-rails shooter will be released through the PlayStation Network June 24 in the U.S. and June 25 in Europe. The game will retail for $19.99, and PlayStation Plus subscribers can purchase it for $15.99 — a 20 percent discount."
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I don't know. Maybe very few PS4 gamers own a Move.

Here's more info:

"With the PS4 version we really wanted to bring the original arcade light gun feeling back without players having to buy extra accessories, so we decided to use the new gyroscope feature and the result was amazing. It takes only seconds to get used to and hours to master. You basically point the controller and squeeze the trigger; you don’t ever have to use the joysticks. For all the gestures we’re using the touch pad, which gives the opportunity for unique gameplay experiences, depending on how players choose to hold and interact with the controller."

"Blue Estate is a darkly funny on-rails shooter with a crazy story about surreal characters, told by a clueless private detective, who’s being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Procrastination. It’s funny, ridiculous and unpredictable, bringing back the joy of arcade light gun shooters. It’s not to be taken seriously, but consumed as a shot of entertainment with a killing spree twist."
Yeah, it kind of swings around in the video.

They're going for humor. I'm wondering if it'll be funny or just dumb.

It's based on a comic that won some award I've never heard of.

I like that his hair is one of the things you have to battle. That made me laugh.

It's a mafia story, but it's written by someone from eastern Europe or France, I'm not sure.
You had to have known that the bad games were coming sooner or later. People still love Achievements/Trophies. These types of games sell to those people. The definition of a quick cash in.
I like a good bad game, sometimes.
Here's a "Let's Play" feature from Eurogamer, 8 months ago. It's not using the DS4 but some PC peripheral, but you get the general idea.

It might appeal to people who like rail shooters.

I think I'd get bored of it pretty fast, myself.
What ever happened to the actual light gun game? Does a light gun not work on modern tvs? I cannot see how it could possibly be enjoyable without the gun. Boo.

Sounds like he liked it as a lightgun shooter, but the writing, humor, and characters are all pretty stupid.

"It needs to be constantly re-calibrated and is about as funny as coronary thrombosis, but Blue Estate is a taut and highly entertaining shooter nonetheless."
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Played a little, didn't like it. I didn't like the controls. And the writing was really stupid.