Does too much comedy in a game turn you away from buying it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
I was just wondering this because this always bugged me about a few titles. There's a couple games I write off just because of this. I'm going to mention the main 2 culprits and I'm probably going to get flamed big time, and those are Saints Row and Dead Rising. Both of these games completely turn me off because of the corny comedy(ie. Killing zombies with a lego head on, etc.)
Sometimes... I prefer serious storylines. But a little witty humor thrown in now and again is fine!
I like humor when it is done well. It can break up the tension and make characters more likeable. I'm thinking of Halo or Fallout 3, for instance.

I like comedy and laughing in real life so much that I have occasionally bought games that emphasized humor. I never really liked them much, though. I think that is because I didn't find the style of humor all that funny, over the long haul. It was good for a few laughs, but it wore thin pretty quickly. Saints Row would be one example.
One game I do like immensely because of it's comedy was Conker, I think the comedy was done right on that game.
I'm extremely opposite. More humor the better. If a game is entirely geared towards comedy, I'm keen on getting it. Brutal Legend, Splosion' Man, Comic Jumper, Psychonauts, Voodoo Vince, Raze's Hell, Conker's Bad Fur Day,Retro City Rampage, Poker Night 2, Hell Yeah, Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Monday Night Combat, etc. I could keep going. Point is, I love me some comedy in video games. More for me please!

Sometimes, I just want as little drama as possible in my entertainment. That said, wish we could've gotten a Leslie Nielsen game while he was still alive. Open world Naked Gun would've been awesome.
While its a movie series and not a game... a good example of comedy done wrong in what I would hope to be a somewhat serious story-line has always been Transformers. When its done in tact and keeps the story progressing in a positive way, then it is fine and welcome. When its excessive, tacky, and lame (transformers) then it very much detracts from what would be an otherwise good movie/game.
Depends on the game for me. I liked St row, but have been turned off by the sequels
I thought borderland 2 was one of the funniest games I've played but that's only going to keep me coming back for more when they decide to make a sequel.
I liked Saints Row 2, the game was over the top and it was almost at the point where it was of if they were trying to hard. I like humor in my games it just had to be the right setting and not overly forced.
Borderland was funny, but a lot of the jokes are delivered via voice over a static image, & take away a bit of the experience.

Borderland isn't a serious game, so the comedy are fine, in a serious game, comedy should not go too much over the top, as it will take away the immersion. Gears can be funny at times, with the crap talking, but they never take away the experience that it is a serious game.
Dark humor like Borderlands/Fallout don't.

Ridiculous humor like the Saints Row games do.
All I need is motivation to get through the story. If I feel like the game is so silly to the point where it decides to make the rules as you go along then I won't bother with it. Dead Rising 2 had some humor in it, but the rules of the game were pretty straight forward and logical. If all of a sudden you could walk through walls, fly, or turn into a Zombie yourself and then turn back into a human then that's when I draw the line.
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That completely depends on the game. Some games it fits and others it doesn't. Take Borderlands for example, the comedy in that game is part of what makes it really stand out.
That completely depends on the game. Some games it fits and others it doesn't. Take Borderlands for example, the comedy in that game is part of what makes it really stand out.

Most definitely, it has to fit the game, if its crammed in and unwarranted then it's a turn off.