Does your gamer profile mean anything to you or others?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
When the Xbox 360 came out I went to pick mine up with my little brother that lived with me at the time. He was just as big a gamer as me and it was a great time. My brother made a gamer profile on my xbox 360 with the Japanese background and he beat alot of the launch games on it......Perfect Dark, King Kong and the last game he beat on it was Need for Speed. My brother soon after this passed away. I know his gamer profile probably shouldn't mean anything to me but it does. I'll never get rid of this xbox or the hard drive. I actually look at it from time to time and think about him.I go threw his achievments. My children are gamers and I wonder if it's something they will look at when I'm gone or even my grandchildren and will it be important to them. Do you guys think it will be important because we truly live in differant times.
I think for people who are interested in gaming, looking through someone's gamer profile can give a bit of an insight into who the person was. You can tell little things about the person by what games they play, if they 100% the games they play, how much time they spend in MP games, etc.
My own profile doesn't mean much to me, but I can definitely see how your brother's profile means something to you. It's something you guys shared and a source of good memories of him. I'm sorry to hear he passed.

Sometimes I'll flip through my history of games, just to look back on what I've played. It's kind of a game autobiography. I doubt it would matter to anyone else, though.
I have a couple people on my friend's list that have died, including a member of TXB. They will forever remain there.
My profiles mean a bit to me only because my digitally purchased games are attached to them. But the achievements and stuff, I really don't care about.