Eurogamer Preview: MGS Ground Zeroes


We The North 🦖🍁
Sep 12, 2013

"Best, most expensive demo ever made."

So apparently, the game's main campaign can be completed in less than 2 hours but the side missions doubles that and there's a lot of secrets to be found in the game.

The truth is perhaps that Ground Zeroes was never intended as a standalone release. Konami's always passed it off as an appetiser to tide us over until the main course, but despite The Phantom Pain's gargantuan publisher-backed budget, this feels like a crowdfunding effort in a disguise as obvious as a cardboard box. As Kickstarter has proven time and time again, people are willing to pay top dollar not simply for early access, but because they want to support a project - and the extra money towards the Phantom Pain's no-doubt immense development bill provided by Ground Zeroes will no doubt be appreciated by Kojima and Konami.

So Ground Zeroes is hardly essential, but it accomplishes what it set out to do in giving players a taste of how a more open-ended Metal Gear adventure might feel. Its wealth of strategies and secrets unearth plenty of tactical treasure for those willing to dig - something the premium price deviously encourages. Those expecting a full game are going to be disappointed, however - Ground Zeroes does feel like a very expensive demo. But it's also a very, very good one.

Game play footage:
Not paying for a 1.5 hour demo at $40.00.
Hopefully this isn't going to be a trend going forward this gen. Demos at 2/3 the price of retail games, fuq that...
When its in the bargain bin. 5€ max.

Sound like side mission are along the, disarm 5 enemies without being seen, to artificially 'lengthen' the game. Color me not impress.

Kojima always have some silly excuse. Last time when quizzed, why MGS4 wasn't released for xbox 360, he said the game cannot fit into a DVD.
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When its in the bargain bin. 5€ max.

Sound like side mission are along the, disarm 5 enemies without being seen, to artificially 'lengthen' the game. Color me not impress.

Kojima always have some silly excuse. Last time when quizzed, why MGS4 wasn't released for xbox 360, he said the game cannot fit into a DVD.

They had to compress MGS4 to fit on a 50GB Blu-ray, do you really think they would have fit this onto a 9GB DVD?
Game would have been at least 4 discs.
Pass. Hope this fails big time to hopefully stop more of this happening.
I support them when they made a good game deserving of the price tag, & not trying to cash in on fans.

Not direct at Konami only, but I also dislike taking content out so they can charge for DLCs.
Will most likely pick up Metal Gear Solid V when it arrives, but this, no.
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FFW to 3.08 for some new gameplay footage ... vid is in german though.

DAYUM ... @ 04.27 Dat Gameplay is looking pretty smooth so far ... I could care less about the lenght, i full well know what to expect and what i am paying for. Seeing gameplay like that only afirms i want to play this and it will be the best payed demo ever made IMHO lol
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I'm buying it. Too big of a MGS fan not to.

MGS and THIEF will keep me busy untill the big one hits in April ... can't wait

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