Far Cry 4 Exclusive feature: Invite friends for CO-OP even if they do not own the game.

Yeah that really surprised me, has anyone else ever done anything like that before?
Yeah that really surprised me, has anyone else ever done anything like that before?

Not that I know of, but in today's world it is rare to see something done that was not done before. Does not matter though, it is a cool feature. Only negative really is it is Playstation exclusive.
That's pretty cool feature, I'm surprised more companies haven't done this before. It might get people who normally wouldn't buy the game to actually buy it. Plus, Ubi prolly can make some decent bucks through micro-transactions through the friends.
probably the player who hasn't bought the game can get a DL ticket and play only when the player that bought the game is playing coop. Idk though, just a guess.
watching the gameplay video, it seems by CO-OP they mean your friend plays as a small helicopter. So not full blown co-op. I may be wrong though.
When I heard about this feature, I was speechless and surprised. I am very curious about how it works. Prepare to hear a lot of players beggin' to be your friend so they can play this game, haha.
People who buy FC4 can give out tickets to friends that allows them to download FC4 locks everything else minus co-op. Pretty sure I remember them also stating SP and coop are seamless, so you're not actually stuck in the helicopter the entire time.

While this is definitely cool from a gamer perspective, from a "how does it work" perspective it's pretty simple when you sit and think about for a second.
People who buy FC4 can give out tickets to friends that allows them to download FC4 locks everything else minus co-op. Pretty sure I remember them also stating SP and coop are seamless, so you're not actually stuck in the helicopter the entire time.

While this is definitely cool from a gamer perspective, from a "how does it work" perspective it's pretty simple when you sit and think about for a second.

We are gamers. To play on words from the Late, great Bruce Lee... We don't think, we feeeeeelllll.
This is a great idea, honestly. It's almost like supplying a demo, and your demo experience can be a better experience because you are playing with a friend. That would indeed encourage more sales. I hope it's a timed exclusive though so it makes it to [HASHTAG]#xbox[/HASHTAG] at some point too.
People who buy FC4 can give out tickets to friends that allows them to download FC4 locks everything else minus co-op. Pretty sure I remember them also stating SP and coop are seamless, so you're not actually stuck in the helicopter the entire time.

While this is definitely cool from a gamer perspective, from a "how does it work" perspective it's pretty simple when you sit and think about for a second.

Wait what, your asking people on the internets to...think?!
I watched that giantbomb podcast last night that had Adam Boyes on it, I believe he said that the tickets are good for an hour, I think he also said the story mode was locked too but I could be wrong. I think it's really just to allow a friend to join you and screw around in the open world for a while. Either way it's still a cool feature.