Forum not as active?

Just got on about an hour ago and it seems pretty active to me. Was surprised at how many topics there already are.
300+ members and still growing.

Yeah, that's great. There are only 320 people (approx.) on the "active member" list, so it looks like we are getting just about everybody. That's awesome.

As for the OP, I think people are gradually abandoning TXB. It's going to take a little while for people to let go of it.

It's going to help to see the place being overrun by bots. Even now, most of the OTL and OCD are bots. Even in the GXD, two-thirds of today's active threads were created by bots.

I think it's just a matter of people changing a habit. I'm guessing that after a couple of weeks, it will start to feel natural to check in here, rather than TXB (although I admit that still feels weird to me).
How does one go about advertising a forum?

I haven't logged into Xbox Live in a while, but what I used to do for teamxbox back in the day was put a link to the site in my bio section. Not sure how many people actually saw it, but perhaps a few people saw it and checked the site out.
There are a lot of members here. I'm wondering what Plainview will do about all the bandwidth being eaten up. He might just decide to limit the number of people who can register here.
I haven't logged into Xbox Live in a while, but what I used to do for teamxbox back in the day was put a link to the site in my bio section. Not sure how many people actually saw it, but perhaps a few people saw it and checked the site out.

You fail at advertizing :laugh:
I'm quite impressed with how good the adoption rate is here, across all the forums not only the OTL(wcg) or the mod forum old boys clique (gamertype).
I guess Plainview has the gigantic advantage of the TXB notification function. And the bots to really push the people who are just too lazy to re-register.
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This place will pick up as the mainstream media does. Once the Holiday Season rolls around there will be a ton of posts about the new consoles and whatever Christmas release movies there are.
Not active? This place is hoppin'. It's doing really well.
I can't wait to see this place come November.
You also have to take into effect that topics are not 20+ pages of childish fighting and 2 pages of on topic discussion like most topics on TXB.
Yes, I believe PlainView said in another thread that it's been done.