Forum Tweaks v3.0

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I am a sinner.
Sep 11, 2013

The forum software upgrade is complete. Many of the other upgrades have been completed but there's still a few I have to do later today as I don't have time right now. The coolest new feature is the ability to highlight certain text in a person's post and quote only that rather than the entire block. Below is a video describing it. I'll update this post with more info of the changes later on. Thanks for being patient!


Update 1. Block, Light and Dark styles have all been updated. There is now "Off-screen" navigation for all when mobile. It works sort of like an an app. When "Menu" is click it opens up a slide in sidebar.

Update 2. Added some statistics below user name on posts. I'm seeing if there's an affect on site speed at all. I may, or may not, keep it.

Update 3. Posts and threads deletion and moving alerts. When a post or a thread is move or deleted you most likely will receive an alert.

Update 4. Fracture style has been updated and has been removed from "Unsupported."

Update 5. Categorized smilies into three groups, TeamXbox, Default and Extended Grunge. Grunge has new smilies added. The "Grunge" smilies are from the awesome artwork of Doenerkinq at deviantART.

Update 6. Created a PC forum.

Update 7. Added more trophies. Will add more as time passes. Some will be tough to accomplish too when I add more "hidden" ones.

Update 8. Added more sharing options. Click the post number in the lower right of post to bring up options.

Update 9. Minor site look tweaks.

Update 10. Added screenshot and video gallery.

Update 11. New notices system.

Update 12. Added "Users Who Viewed This Thread" at bottom of threads.

Update 13. Added new bow smiley. :bownew:

Update 14. Software and add-on upgrades.

Update 15. Added similar threads feature.
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The forum software upgrade is complete. Many of the other upgrades have been completed but there's still a few I have to do later today as I don't have time right now. The coolest new feature is the ability to highlight certain text in a person's post and quote only that rather than the entire block. Below is a video describing it. I'll update this post with more info of the changes later on. Thanks for being patient!


P.S. There may be some issues here and there that I haven't

The highlighting and text quoting only that part doesn't work for me. I'm using Dark. Is only Light supported right now?
Liking how it shows more details about the members now like join date, # of posts, ratings and trophy points too.
I was actually wondering if there was a way to choose which information is shown under your avy. Like TXB allowed you to.
*Hissing loudly as he is greeted by the overly bright "light" theme of the forum. And while the pale creature protects his eyes with his left arm, he quickly tries to click back to the Dark theme with his right. *

Don't ever do that to me again! PLEASE!?

Sigh. Why do people force their happy and sunny lifestyle on me.

*Hissing loudly as he is greeted by the overly bright "light" theme of the forum. And while the pale creature protects his eyes with his left arm, he quickly tries to click back to the Dark theme with his right. *

Don't ever do that to me again! PLEASE!?

Sigh. Why do people force their happy and sunny lifestyle on me.

No force. Had to delete other one and when I do it defaults users of the deleted theme to default one.
I didn't choose the Block life, the Block life chose me.
How come everyone else's quotes under their name are grey but mine's blended in with the background? You can only see it if you highlight it... Plainview?
What is going on with the themes ? No offense, but these ones are not great ( for me). I wantz my Fracture back:(
Can we have an option to choose a default font for posting?
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