From Xbox to Playstation ... who is switching sides?!

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Travelling Without Moving
Sep 13, 2013
Really not looking for a Fanboy battle here just objective talk. Ive been a diehard XBOX fan from day 1 and never purchased a Sony console so far, but for the first time after watching all the reviews and doing some research i am making the switch to the PS4 for good, i am wondering how many of you are doing the same and for what reasons. This time around SONY imho just released an almost perfect product for the consumer, i just cant understand why MS had to go and focus so much on the Media aspect of things.

My tag on PSN is VVV-Aizen93 getting my console in about a week or so. Anyone on BF4 send me a FR pls.

Here are some vids on the subject. They sounds biased toward PS4 but facts are facts.

I have both PS4 and XO. My playtime has been spread 90/10 in favor of XO. That is mostly because I got an XO first and bought all the multiplats on XO, leaving only Killzone: SF on PS4. I honestly don't know which I like better. I like both. I really would like to sell one of them though as I feel I couild live with just one of them.

I liked PS2 better than OG Xbox, I liked 360 better than PS3. This time I don't know what I like better.. lol
If you really aren't looking for a "fanboy battle" here, describing buying a Playstation console as "switching sides" might not have been the best way to start off. Frankly the only ones who see buying consoles from a manufacturer other the one they usually do as "switching a side" are console warriors. I will eventually buy a PS4 sometime next year when there are some games worth a damn on it, as of now i don't need to watch Youtube vids made by unpaid shills trying to sell me the damned thing. I already know well enough about both consoles to make an informed decision.

Right now the so called "media box" has the better line up of games by a wide margin. I loved my time with Ryse but Killer Instinct is taking up my time now( i have yet to really sink my teeth into DR3 but from the little i have played so far i already like it better than the first two games) there is just nothing on the PS4 console that can touch it at the moment. But no surprise there, the Playstation brand has hasn't had a decent launch line up since the original, especially compared to the consoles it was launching against. Compare the Saturn Launch to the PS1, and especially the Dreamcast launch to the PS2's. Same thing here frankly, which is why after the PS1 i have never bought a PS console at launch.

So yeah when the games come then the console will be worth something to me, until then it's barely on my radar.
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Glad I bought both, no sides to worry about. That said, coming out of the gate the X1 has been on 90/10 thanks to a stronger launch lineup (for me) and the seamless switching between gaming and TV has helped keep it on more often.
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Thanx Badguy and Spartan .... why would this be locked?! are people still so immature? I just want to know if diehard XBOX fans like me are thinking the same way that's all.
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I feel ya, I was going to switch and just keep ps4 hopefully without having to own an xbox1 but after seeing the games and playing them it looks like it will have even more exclusives I want than 360, and that console was great. I can't miss out on it. The real console to own this gen, is both.
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I only bought one PlayStation console at launch...(the PS1)
Wasn't a fan of the PS2 or the PS3(initially) But Because of the latter choices/games from Sony
in the latter years of the last gen...I am a fan again and purchased the PS4 @ launch.

I was mainly a XB gamer(joining TXB RIP in 2001 as a XB fanboy) buying both the XB and the 360 @ launch (and every version of the 360 save the newest)and for the majority of the last gen the 360 was
my console of choice until the latter years which I haven't been pleased with both in MS handling of the XB brand and the IMO lack luster 1st party offerings.Its the 1st time since being a XB Live beta tester that I haven't renewed XBL and The XB1 will be the 1st XB based console I didn't buy @ launch since over 10 years.
Yeah I bought a 360 about 2-3 weeks after launch and like it, but I have to say Xb1 is much better, it actually feels like a system that has been out for a little while with its variety and the quality is better than I imagined as well, everything about it screams quality and precision. I cringed when I made the purchase, but it exceeded my expectations. The only exclusive I've gotten bored with is Ryse, but I did 3 playthroughs lol
Right now the so called "media box" has the better line up of games by a wide margin.


I say they both offer soso 1st party launch games with 3rd party games being the best games launching and the PS4 versions of them having the advantage.

These companies Sony/MS gotta step it up in the 1st party game department.
Yeah I bought a 360 about 2-3 weeks after launch and like it, but I have to say Xb1 is much better, it actually feels like a system that has been out for a little while with its variety and the quality is better than I imagined as well, everything about it screams quality and precision. I cringed when I made the purchase, but it exceeded my expectations. The only exclusive I've gotten bored with is Ryse, but I did 3 playthroughs lol

What's your most enjoyable game though?

I say they both offer soso 1st party launch games with 3rd party games being the best games launching and the PS4 versions of them having the advantage.

true, but there is no denying xbox 1 has a clear advantage in exclusive variety, it has more, and those games have one thing going for them to I'm noticed, just plain fun and seem to have a lot of replay.
Thanx guys and keep the good discussions coming Please!! I too bought the 360 @ launch and was on TXB since 2006 (RIP indeed) What i hated about PS3 is that Sony got too cocky as u all can remenber from E3 2005 and i think l MS is making the same mistakes this time around. as you just pointed out Valliance i also felt the X wasnt bringing awesome first party games anymore, Halo 4 for me was a bit of a letdown and IMO xbox exclusives were too FPS oriented. I cant wait to play games like Last of Us and Uncharted as other firstparty games Sony makes wich IMHO have more though to them than what MS has been doing the last few years. One example is Titanfall wich seems interesting but once again just another FPS.

I say they both offer soso 1st party launch games with 3rd party games being the best games launching and the PS4 versions of them having the advantage.

These companies Sony/MS gotta step it up in the 1st party game department.
There is nothing "So so" about Killer instinct as i and many others who have played it can tell you. I played only a few hours of DR3 and it was fun as hell too. I even enjoyed Ryse. I have been hearing great things about Powerstar golf as well, may give it a try next week. At the moment i see nothing on the PS4 that i am even a little bit interested in playing. That will change next year but for now , games i want to play = good launch line up.
Seriously you think you don't want fanboy wars when you link videos of those kind.

Dont see it thay way i think the guy is making some valid points. PLS leave ego outta this. Be objective. and i really wanted to hear some real complains on both sides and to be honest not much peeps complaining about the PS4 as of now.
There is nothing "So so" about Killer instinct as i and many others who have played it can tell you. I played only a few hours of DR3 and it was fun as hell too. I even enjoyed Ryse. I have been hearing great things about Powerstar golf as well, may give it a try next week. At the moment i see nothing on the PS4 that i am even a little bit interested in playing. That will change next year but for now , games i want to play = good launch line up.

when ps4 has infamous SS and planetside 2 that'll be the launch lineup I deserve. :)
The Order i think it was. Gran Turismo (petrolhead here) Uncharted, Last of US, Infamous, Planetside2. But i am also leaning towards stronger hardware.

I'm sure those will be good choices, stronger hardware is right, but even with the weaker systems still had plenty of fun not to miss out on. And after playing Ryse, I doubt we see a better looking game for a long while on either system.
Not me and here's why:

  1. In an every online moving world looking at PSN vs XBL (Sony vs MS) there is absolutely no contest and there never will be, with the amount of they've put into XBL it's the most stable gaming infrastructure ever with minimal disruptions, true Sony are improving but they're nowhere near MS level in this aspect......add 300,000 cloud servers, sure people may mock but lets look 2-3 years down the line when these baby's are in heavy usage. Dedicated servers can be added on here (yes Sony have them too) but MS is offering this service to ALL game devs and with 300,00 servers around THE WORLD how are Sony to compete?
  2. The controller, for me is a hell of a lot easier, more comfortable and just better all round on the One than the PS4, I still see dead spots in the DS4 (although it's a HUGE improvement on the DS3). Battery power has been problematic for the DS4 as well as the light which you cannot turn off. This point probably boils down to personal preference.
  3. Launch line ups are no contest, although this should not dictate your purchase it certainly helps when you have titles like Ryse, DR3, Forza etc compared to Sony's only boasting title Killzone which form what I've heard looks phenomenal (for the first few levels) but the game play is very much the same with little offering.
  4. Halo, (this is a personal point I realise) but this is the greatest franchise of games every created (IMO); could I live without playing Halo 5?.....NO!
  5. S/W S/W S/W; MS are the S/W giants and this shows with what they're offering with the One, I expect the OS to be improved again and again (compare the 360 launch to the 360 now, just shows what they're capable of); I can't wait to see where they take the console.
  6. MS whether you like it or not are one of (if not the) biggest S/W giants around, I just don't think Sony have the money or ability to beat MS in this battle (like them or not).
  7. Sony have a GREAT gaming machine it's more powerful there's no disputing that but for me I don't think we'll see much of a difference and if I wanted to have just great graphics (which is what the PS4 will do better than XO if anything and it's debatable); I'd buy a PC rig, I want the full package.
I could keep going but I think these are the main points which swayed me and kept me with Microsoft even after the PR disaster and the more powerful PS4 propaganda's.
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Not sure yet but I've been thinking about switching to PS4..I'll wait to mid 2014 or later to decide though..too early to jump ship. My main reasons I'm thinking about going ps4 are: kinect (cool at first but already want to disconnect it), UI has turned me off..I miss the 360's UI, the X1 being the all in one box (I thought I'd love this feature and I did at first but I realized that I just want to game..just too much going on with the x1.
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I will buy a PS4 in the future. Deep Down has my attention and if a Demon's Souls 2 comes to fruition I will be first in line. That said, going with Xbox One first was an easy choice.

1. More faith in Live over PSN
2. Multiplayer games are better IMO and I think Xbox has always excelled there.
3. I love the tv integration. Being able to simply press the home button and choose a game to play when the wife is done with the tv is really nice.
4. Launch games are must haves for me. DR3 and Killer Instinct are amazing to me.
5. I like Halo more than any of Sony's exclusives.
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At the end of the generation there will be those 5-10 games that will be considered the best looking by most, and I'm certain on everyone's list that is unbiased, a decent % of those will be Xb1 games, not all of them obviously, but with studios like 343i, remedy, turn 10, and Crytek etc backing up the system, it'll get some nods, despite being "weaker".
Gamecube and ps2 did this against xbox, 360 against ps3, etc, even the weaker systems pull off visual stunners, all it takes it an exclusive studio to really flex the hardware, and xb1 has enough to work with to make ppl scratch their heads and say "that is actual gameplay?" It'll happen, and its suck to be diluted enough to believe better technical stats are the only deciding factor, not to mention Xb1 has a superior cpu, but again, doesn't matter when taking into account an exclusive studio.
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Not sure yet but I've been thinking about switching to PS4..I'll wait to mid 2014 or later to decide though..too early to jump ship. My main reasons I'm thinking about going ps4 are: kinect (cool at first but already want to disconnect it), UI has turned me off..I miss the 360's UI, the X1 being the all in one box (I thought I'd love this feature and I did at first but I realized that I just want to game..just too much going on with the x1.

I do think they need to add a recent players list and a more in your face way to see friends but having the PINS is awesome to me. It's actually easier and faster to get to games, especially recently played games. The suspend feature also makes it better.
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The whole "weaker console" thing won't really matter in the end anyway. If people cared about that so much PS2 wouldn't have dominated the likes of Gamecube and Xbox. Not to mention the fact arguably the best looking launch title on both( Ryse) was pulled off on the "weaker" console at launch, i don't think the X1 will be having too many issues with graphics. If what we have seen of Quantum Break so far is indeed real time gameplay( again after seeing Ryse a launch game looking the way it does i am inclined to give the benefit of the doubt) graphically it will only get much better when games aren't rushed out for launch and have more time to cook.
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