H1Z1: Sony's new MMO zombie game

That's what's been going around, it might be a little longer but either way this hasn't been in development long. Because they have EQN and PS2 they can just pull the backend stuff from those so to see it up and running this early and in fairly good shape is not surprising at all.
Only four months of development showed a bit in that stream. That said, I think it looks promising, but there's a long way to go. My primary concern is how barren the world looked, maybe it'll be better when players get in.

Think the world is barren ? no problem, buy some trees for $1.99 or some mountains for $3.

Why even announce it with such a short time in the works ? This is a late 2015 game at the earliest.
E3 dev demo, more interesting than what I saw before, goes into crafting and building. It's pre-alpha. It might turn out okay, who knows.