I'm sure it's easy but...


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
How in the hell do you accept invites to a Fireteam. I've been running strikes and have had several people request that I join their game. Am I supposed to go all the way out to the dashboard.
If you're on XB1, hold the guide button down.

If missed the opportunity to do that and you know who invited you and they are in your friends list, you can go to your friends list and join from there.

Yeah, I'm not sure if there's a way to see standing invites anywhere. I know the 360 would have them as messages and you could join from there.
If you're on the PS4, you can see the invitations from the XMB at your notifications, one from the left of your game at the top.
Thanks guys. I'm on Xbox One. Hopefully those people inviting don't think I'm being rude. It was just ignorance.
go to the dashboard and you can accept the invite from the notification box on the top left.