It’s Morphin’ Time! New ‘Power Rangers’ Movie Announced

Yes if this movie is even half ass and not aimed to hard at kids I will go see it. They has some bad-ass power rangers collectibles on the market right now to bad I'm broke well when it comes to buying s*** I don't need I'm broke.

Its all about the first rangers for me. Power Rangers Dino Thunder was pretty good.

Geez I watched this show every day for the longest.
Think right after blue ranger left.
I know I was in my teens lol.
I'm such a dork I know.
I read the fun facts several years ago that there was actually different people behind the original Power Rangers masks, lol. And that person behind yellow Ranger, wasn't it actually a dude in it? Lol. You can tell because that person doesn't have boobs on his chest. If I remember correctly, I went to research on that and found out that it was actually dude in that dress.
Looks solid for what it is. Power Rangers was never a bastion of superb TV or movie writing, but it was fun to watch and still is if you have some nostalgia. My only real expectation is that we get some actual martial arts. Give me that and I can pretty much give a pass on everything else.