Japanese Devs Aid In Developing Scarlet, Next Gen Xbox


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Sep 11, 2013
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At Microsoft’s E3 2018 presentation, Head of Xbox Phil Spencer teased that the next generation of Xbox consoles was already in development, but stopped short of providing any concrete details. There’s still much we don’t know about the next-gen Xbox console, but thanks to an interview Spencer gave to Japanese magazine Famitsu, we do know that Japanese developers are actively involved in its development.

Spencer didn’t name any specific Japanese companies that are providing input for the next Xbox, but he did say that Microsoft has asked Japanese devs what kind of innovations they want to see in the industry that could be incorporated in the new system. Spencer himself has traveled to Japan to meet with various publishers and developers in the country, and he believes that he is successfully building a bond between them and Microsoft.
Yo! So how does this work, Phil? Do you wanna know what Japanese hair styles are in, is MC due for a new do? All characters will have waaaaay more powerful left arms in 8K?

Seriously, aren't the needs within the development community pretty much the same, no matter where from?
MS probably just asked a wide variety of developers for input, and Japanese devs were among them.
Rumor has it that the first feedback suggests there's not enough giant crabs or tentacle monsters.
Phil Spencer: "Do you like our controller? What kind of hardware specs are you looking for?
Developers: "触手とたくさんのアニメのお尻をこの中に入れてください "
MS probably just asked a wide variety of developers for input, and Japanese devs were among them.

Yeah I would guess this is standard practice for every console, if not it should have been.
With the 360 wasn’t that part of their messaging to gamers, that Japanese devs had a say with it? also why it was easy to develop for.
MS probably just asked a wide variety of developers for input, and Japanese devs were among them.

Or maybe Japanese devs are just flocking to the GOATbox Won. They got a taste of that raw power and they were like this is what we were promised with the Cell. Cya Sony, ya snooze you lose.

Oh baby. Next gen is heating up. Which strategy will win out? The over the top pro-consumer, we're the good guys approach, here's your apps and features or the onslaught of the biggest, best, highest rated first party exclusives? Only time will tell.
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