Just Cause 3 development suggested by Avalanche’s Costa Rica dev diary


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Sep 11, 2013

Just Cause 3 looks to be in the research phase over at Avalanche Studios, as the team has recently taken a trip to Costa Rica to, “research complex environments for future games.”

Entitled, “Avalanche Studios in the jungle,” the clip shows the team exploring the jungle, observing wildlife and discussing its tech. There’s also mention of the research used to conduct Just Cause 2 and the tropical paradise that formed its sandbox. The studio even recorded the ocean in super slow-motion to research how to make more convincing water effects, as well as plenty of sound capture.

The videos descriptor reads, “In the spring of 2013, developers from Avalanche Studios traveled to Costa Rica to gather reference material for future games. The rich and uniquely diverse environment offered us a closer look at dense vegetation, beautiful skies and flowing water, among other things.”

On exactly why Avalanche conducted the trip, it adds, “Just Cause 2 is used as an illustration throughout this video, but the reference material collected will prove useful in many of our upcoming open world games. In fact, some of the skies that we captured in Costa Rica will make it into Mad Max, which is currently in development at Avalanche Studios in Stockholm.”

So, is this just general research, or is Just Cause 3 happening? Let us know what you think below.

Via CVG.