NBA Live PS4 review from IGN. BRICK! 4.5

Ouch. I know about 20,000 odd people that would find this news disappointing.
Seems like their poor effort will be the nail in their coffin, unless that effort was super cheap. People are loving 2k14 so much and it looks so good I might even forgo my usual "no sports games" to buy it.
I find it hilarious that EA has a grip on most of the big sports franchises but 2K has a small band of dude bros that EA might not ever be able to break.
That guy knows nothing about basketball. That doesn't mean Live doesn't stink, but he gave next gen 2K14 a high rating and its full of bugs and glitches and missing a lot of things from current gen.
NBA Live can't ever catch a break. I still will try the demo though.
E...A...Sports. They're f***ing lame!
Wasn't this series canned before recently? Why bother bringing it back. These clownholes could have focused on an NHL for the new consoles instead.
Just got done playing the demo and the game isn't bad. It's a fully featured demo so you get how the game really is. That guy just needs to stop doing reviews on sport titles because he doesn't review them completely.
That's funny. EA takes a couple years off and they still can't get it right. NBA Live is a forgotten franchise. It was always bad and not even new consoles can save it. 2k is so far ahead.
I have 2K14, but downloaded this demo for giggles. I made it like 90 seconds and that was forcing myself to keep playing. It's that bad.
I'd put Loco Cycle or Knack ahead of Ghosts. But I think NBA Live takes the cake. I will be playing none of them. I'll be playing Resogun on Saturday though... And BF4, and KI, and Ghosts, and Forza, and NBA2K14.
Well I was talking multi-plats. I think Knack gets a lot more crap than it deserves though, player feedback has been almost universally positive. Have no interest in it myself though.
I'd put Loco Cycle or Knack ahead of Ghosts. But I think NBA Live takes the cake. I will be playing none of them. I'll be playing Resogun on Saturday though... And BF4, and KI, and Ghosts, and Forza, and NBA2K14.
I'd say Crimson Dragon and Knack are the true losers.....imo.

What a joke LOL. Lebron looks like he's on something for Live 14. I watched the video review of Live 14 and all i could do was laugh. Game looks like a Sega Genesis game. What were they thinking? Wait, i know exactly what they were thinking. "Maybe we can try and trick people into buying our game since it's launching with new consoles and nobody will think twice". Nice try EA.