New NBA2K14 next-gen trailer hits the net! *DROOLS*


I am a sinner.
Sep 11, 2013
I was hyper critical of the first trailer 2K release back at E3 with Lebron. It looked terribly artificial with the animations. Any concern I had back then has now been relieved. The new trailer is drool worthy and just shot up as a must buy for me! With the NBA season fast approaching, and the next gen starting soon after, I'm all over this! But 2K, not a fan of having Kobe dunk over DRose. SMH!

Pre-order NBA 2K14 from Amazon.



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Amazing! I'm wondering if I should pre-order just in case it sells out at my local BestBuy/EBGames. The 2K series always seem to sell out around my area.
Graphics and animations look great, but their heads still look stiff connected to their necks. I wish they would loosen their heads up because it would look more natural that way.
Only critique is the simulated depth of field that appears in some cuts. The fuzzy outline of the players that result from this make it look last gen. Thankfully it's not prevalent throughout the video.
Looks pretty awesome. With all the launch game delays, I might pick this up.
I'm not a basketball fan at all but that looks great.
Anyone see the NBA Live 14 trailer? Ugly. Whomever that white guy is dribbling and shooting looks like an early year current gen model.

I hope 2k14 has legendary teams right off the bat. If it has classic 80s Celts with Birdman, done deal.
Anyone see the NBA Live 14 trailer? Ugly. Whomever that white guy is dribbling and shooting looks like an early year current gen model.

I hope 2k14 has legendary teams right off the bat. If it has classic 80s Celts with Birdman, done deal.

That teaser doesn't say anything about being the next gen version, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was current gen. Full trailer to be released tomorrow.
It's amazing what beautiful graphics you can have when you just render a basketball court! Killzone can't get beautiful flowing clothing like that no matter how much they pray! :eek:
Graphics and animations look great, but their heads still look stiff connected to their necks. I wish they would loosen their heads up because it would look more natural that way.

Da fuq is wrong with you? s*** looks incredible.
There's a press event being held right now. No screenshots or videos released yet, but a lot of details coming in via twitter. To sum up though: amazatron.
I saw this a couple days ago. It looks awesome. I'm more interested in seeing how it actually looks from the standard side, telecast style view though over a bunch of posed replay style perspectives where the graphics are usually 2-3x better. Still, from the side, if you're not paying attention, even the current NBA2k games on 360 can look similar to a real broadcast. They do a great job.
Yeah I'm all over this, Day 1 probably the digital copy so its never taken out of my console.
Gamespot has gameplay video up and I'll have to watch it on my monitor but on my phone, it looks nothing like the sizzle trailer. Kinda current gen to be honest.
The animation still looks unrealistic. I mean it looks good. But next gen didn't bring better transition animations. At least for the first game.
Just watched it fullscreen and yikes. The graphics during the game look less than stellar, but the close-up shots of the players look fantastic. Shame the graphical fidelity didn't carry through to the gameplay portions.
Haven't seen it yet, but you just ruined my enthusiasm... :mad::(
aceattorney, here's the video. The guy basically says it looks a bit better than current gen, but feels the same.

By the sounds of it, if someone is getting a next gen console , you might as well get the next gen version. But NBA 2k14 isn't the type of game to purposely go out and buy a next gen console as the current gen seems almost as good.

The fancy 2k preview vids shown the past week look nothing like the actual gameplay as real gameplay has more of the typical herky jerky animations, while 2k must have spent all day picking the most impressive replay animations that had smooth transitioning frames.
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