PlayStations Journey/Pivot Into Multiplatform Live/GAAS Gaming - Bungie To Help - Games Delayed


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Sep 11, 2013
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Including Destiny 3 😁

COD went live service, Halo went live service, Apex, Valorant, Fortnite etc. Not surprised as ☃️Sony also just bought Bungie which pretty much started their live service at launch in 2014 😅

PlayStation: Our live-service games will target different genres, release schedules and audiences

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A good video on the state of live service gaming. Long story short:

-Nobody has time for so many live service games. This guy writes about video games for a living and can't keep up with more than 2 at once. Most gamers simply don't have the time.

-Everyone chasing that Destiny 2 money, but mostly failing on the PVE side. Anthem, Marvel Avengers, etc. Games like COD will always still be a thing, and I doubt battle passes are going away completely, but gamers are getting tired of the model.

-It takes even more money to make and keep up a live service game.

I know personally playing some offline games that you just install and play has been great.