Random Entertainment Topic

Got it a few weeks ago and it's a nice little package. Four postcards with Batman art, six Batman shorts (five from the Animated Series and 1 from Brave and the Bold), all of the documentaries from the first two releases, and both films spliced into a two and a half hour movie. Nice overall package, I gotta say. DVD menus still kind of suck a bit though. Not sure how it is on the blu-ray, but these are painfully dull. Why they couldn't make a menu beyond small bubbles with text is beyond me.
I just bought this off Amazon as my dad's Christmas present. I'm glad to hear there are some valuable extras in this package, but what a shame about the menus. Sounds like a DVD menu from 1997.
I was looking at this last night. Will probably get it at some point. Also thinking about getting the new trilogy set for Nolan's DK trilogy as I don't have any of them yet.

Cool discussion with two great comedy dudes. Love Mel Brooks personally. Made some of the best comedies in the last hundred years for my money. Great to play while doing something else like cleaning or some other menial task.

Bonus: Simpsons Writers - Great roundtable discussion.

One of my first jobs out of High School was night cleanup crew in a shopping mall. So in a weird way I could relate to the characters hiding out in a vacant mall.
Just finished watching Sleepaway Camp, very "nuts." Good movie though. I know many of the characters are pretty much cliches, but they work very well in this movie. I definitely want to watch the next two and this has me wondering what a remake would look like.
So not as creepy as the first season and not as campy as the 2nd(yet)but still really good writing and acting.
Jessica Lange is so fun to watch.
And I love that the set is New Orleans. I go there every chance I get to visit Marie Leveaux's grave, and have my tarot read by a guy with a swasttika tatooed on his far head.

Better than watching the Walking Dead die a slow death I M O
It was amazing. It was just as intense as the best parts of Children of Men, for sure! I am now sold on 3D. It really enhanced this film. I thought the 3D was impressive and cool in Avatar, but here I felt it enhanced the film. Has to be one of my favorite cinema experiences!
Why is this not waiting till launch and only on xbox one as part of MS's web based entertainment offerings ?

Any who. I was hoping for more than 4 parts. Is each part of decent length ?
Cool. Bookmarked for later yucks.
Top 5 creature features ( Non Alien)

Jurassic Park
King Kong
Reign Of Fire
Dog Soldiers
The Mist ( Were they Aliens ?)
Cloud atlas sucked.

47 ronin, I think looks fun. A very different movie for Neo too. Lets just hope it is better than his last movie, Man of Tai Chi. Man was that terrible.
Anyone else as upset, annoyed and irritated that the second that third movies were no where near as good as the first and that they didn't keep the cast from the first throughout the trilogy. I loved part one and would have loved continuous parts two and three. And killing Dizzy, damn that still irritates they hell out of me every time I watch it. lol
There is an animated movie on Netflix that's actually pretty good. Certainly better than all the crappy sequels.