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My Wife and I are going to see this tomorrow morning, 11:15AM!!
If you combine everything good from the last ten years of the Simpsons, it's still not as good as this opening. That show has plummeted downhill in a quantity not seen since Saturday Night Live.
Just go see it already. The trailer did not leave much of an impression when I had first seen it months ago, but the positive reception definitely stimulated curiosity. I went in trying not to expect much, but still not fully able to shake all the 'wow' reviews from my head. It didn't matter much anyways. You're immersed from the get go. The opening 17 minute continuous shot alone will be studied thoroughly for its technical achievements. The story was ahhhhh, but it 'worked' and didn't much detract from the overall experience. The visuals are just so exciting. I've only seen one other film in 3D and since have preferred to stick to 2D, but watch this in Imax 3D and you will likely find yourself dishing out the same viewing recommendations to your friends. It's worth the admission to see it in the most optimal viewing conditions available to you as I can imagine the experience will be far different at home.
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Just started season 5 (the only one I did not see on Fox when the show was still on) this 2036 setting is strange, but the girl playing the Olivia and Peter's daughter is cute tho ;).
Been watching them on Netflix too, just started on season 3, I loved the 1985 episodes with that nifty 80s style opening credits (love the Casio style keyboard music).

I also like this episode because we got to see Walter in his prime as a successful scientist before his brains were scrambled.
Just got back from seeing it in IMAX 3D and I must say.....It was awesome. I'm not a big fan of Sandra Bullock, but she was top notch in this. Went in with high expectations and they were exceeded! Even the wife and kido enjoyed it. Great movie!
My wife and I saw this Saturday, it was incredible. I loved the authenticity of how they showed space.

I love space and everything about space, but it is the ultimate horror in reality. The absence of sound itself is just one of the many things that make it scary as hell.
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I expected Cloudy 2 to be much bigger. Don Jon was saved by a low budget for sure. Halloween is looking so barren this year. I actually wish they made a new Saw movie. Surprised Saw: Origins hasn't been made yet. Carrie looks lame and I'm just not interested in Insidious.
Saw Chillerama. Not a great movie in any way. It's gross in a off putting way, the humor isn't as funny as I thought it would be, the throwback low budget look was nice. It was cut up into four movies, the main story being Zom-B-Movie where the main characters are watching the short horror films in a drive thru. It starts out with a guy trying to have sex with the decomposed corpse of his ex girlfriend. She rise from the dead and bites his junk off and his blood turns blue. The story is forgettable. They attempt to make the characters somewhat endearing by having a love plot between a horror geek and a tomboyish girl. The owner of the Drive Thru is Richard Riehle (The guy who breaks his neck in Office Space and retires on a settlement) and he's the best part of this story hands down. Certainly the best actor of the bunch. Three movies are shown:

Wadzilla: Giant mutant killer sperm attacks the city in the style of old giant monster movies. It's funny here and there, but it's way too gross for me. The Sperm Monster looks surprisingly good and they have a pretty sexy Statue of Liberty do a cool striptease. Probably the second best short film in this movie, but that's not saying much.

I' Was a Teenage WereBear: In a nutshell, it takes the werewolf idea and swaps it with gay jokes, thus the idea of the "WereBear." It's funny at first, but the whole punchline through out this thing is that every guy is gay. The WereBear's themselves don't look all that good in any shape or form, and unless you're really into gay jokes, it's more entertaining to just fast forward through the whole thing.

The Diary of Anne Frankenstein: The best of the bunch in my opinion. A Jewsploitation story about Hitler finding hidden Jews who happen to be descendents of Frankenstein. The daughter of the family holds the diary of the original mad scientist. Hitlet kills the whole family and plants the Diary of Anne Frank, hoping to make millions after the war is over. He becomes a mad scientist and creates a Rabbi looking monster who goes on a Nazi killing spree, ultimately taking out Hitler. What I like about this short is that it's actually pretty funny. From shtick involving Hitler's whore wife, to Hitler being obsessed with his unfinished puzzle of puppies, it makes for a fun parody of multiple genres.

Overall, it's skippable, but if you have fear.net or comcast on demand, it's free. Diary of Anne Frankenstein is the only one I can truly recommend, but it's a long way off and you'd have to speed through a majority of the movie, so don't even bother. Richard Riehle's scenes can be worth watching and people with a stronger stomach might enjoy Wadzilla more than I did. Teenage WereBear ended up being lame, and the main storyline is almost as lame. Ultimately, it's a s*** movie as whole. Way better horror comedies out there to watch, although, if you happen to see Anne Frankenstein standalone on youtube or something, give it a watch. It's the most redeeming quality of this movie and the only I cared to watch without fast forwarding.
Saw the movie yesterday with the wife and thoroughly enjoyed "the ride". Stunning visuals, never knew what was happening next, and while it did suspend belief a bit it wasn't completely over the top.

I'd recommend.