Reports of PS4 hardware issues.

Sounds like its overheating for some reason.....
That's horrible do you have the extended warranty?
Call sony up and be careful and watchful while playing.

This disk ejection happened when I wasn't even playing it and haven't turned it on for several days.
Necro bump.

Anyone else have the issue with random disk ejecting? I hadn't turned my console on in several days, and it randomly turned itself on, ejected the disk, then went into rest mode. I looked into it, and it seems to be an issue for some due to one of the rubber feet actually touching the eject button. I partially pulled the rubber foot out and trimmed it back to where it wouldn't contact the button anymore. It hasn't happened since and it happened on the hottest day of the year so far, so hopefully that was the cause of it.

I had the same thing happen on mine. I took the rubber piece on the bottom completely out and it fixed the issue.
I had the same thing happen on mine. I took the rubber piece on the bottom completely out and it fixed the issue.
you can eject disks by touching underneath the eject buton, on the bottom on the console. so yeah that could be related somehow