She's almost dead guys......

What are you hiding at the top there?

Oh, and it loads every time for me.
The first tab is my email, #2 is just a website for a PHP IDE but since it's in the middle of my email and then the next 3 which are related to a project I'm working on I just figured I'd cut that one out too. The project related ones aren't anything that anyone here would care about, but still no ones supposed to be seeing it.
Is it weird my unionvgf bookmark in chrome is titled "TXB"? lol It was just easier to transition that way for me.
I don't care too much. It's just a URL. The community is what I stuck around for. It's not what it was in the glory days, but it's still pretty good. And with a new front page and some driving force, perhaps there will be new growth.
Let's all post hardcore porn and see if we get banned.
Some people did start posting some explicit material right when we started moving over here. Was waiting to see the ban hammer drop one more time, but it never happened.
She's gone.

The ol' girl has still got some fight in her!
Hmmm, if I can get on I may have to post a ton of porn. Go out in a blaze of glory.
I think I had moved up to top 15 or something top posts. So much for my e-peen.