Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake in 2016?


I deal in absolutes
Sep 11, 2013
The Delaware Valley

Is a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake in the Works?


015 is arguably one of the best year for Star Wars fans in decades. Not only is the highly anticipated Episode 7: The Force Awakens set to hit theaters this December, but also EA and DICE are prepping the return of Star Wars Battlefront, complete with epic ship battles and explosive first-person gameplay. On their own, fans would be satisfied with just the movie and the new Battlefront, but rumors indicate that another announcement related to a certain galaxy far, far away is coming by the end of the year.

If these rumors turn out to be accurate, one of the most beloved Star Wars games ever, BioWare’s Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic could be getting a brand new lease on life. This rumor should be taken with a sizable grain of salt, though, as none of it can be proven, but even so, there seems to be a possibility that Knights of the Old Republic is getting a remake.

The news comes from Cineflix, who cite three separate sources that claim a remake of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is indeed in the works. Apparently the remake will be announced within the coming months, and could possibly even be Xbox exclusive on consoles. This would be somewhat fitting when one considers the original Knights of the Old Republic was console-exclusive to the first Xbox, but would be an unwise business decision by EA.

If the supposed Knights of the Old Republic remake does end up being announced, Cineflix claims that the game will be scheduled for a Q3 or Q4 release in 2016.

With no way to investigate the claims made by Cineflix’s sources, it would be wise to wait for an official announcement from Disney or EA before getting too excited about a Knights of the Old Republic remake. Then again, the Knights of the Old Republic sub-series has gotten an unusual amount of attention lately, which could be a sign that a remake is indeed in the works.


For example, over the last couple of years, the original game was ported to the iPad, and one of the main characters from the game, Darth Revan, made an appearance in BioWare’s MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic. This shows that EA clearly still realizes the value of KOTOR, and it would be strange if they weren’t at least discussing the possibility of a remake.

More recently, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 – The Sith Lords was given a sizable update on Steam, something that came completely out of the blue. What was the point of updating such an old game? Perhaps it was all meant to drum up interest for the series before the announcement of a full-on remake.

While a remake of KOTOR could very well be in development, the Xbox exclusivity is the hardest piece of information to believe. It wouldn’t make any sense to ignore the larger install base that the PS4 brings to the table, and instead would only serve to draw the ire of gamers.

Would you play a remake of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic? What changes would you like to see? Let us know in the comments!

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic could be getting a remake on unspecified platforms, but in the meantime, those that want to experience the original game can check it out on iPad, PC, and the first Xbox console.
Puh Puh Puh please Bioware.... do this...


I don't know why Bioware doesn't continue this franchise. Mass Effect 4 can wait.
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Now that would be great. Mass Effect can definitely wait. It's the season of remakes, make it happen BioWare.
If true, it would probably be more of a remaster (spit & polish) than a remake (rebuild). I'd welcome it, though I doubt I'd want to go through the whole thing again.
And if the remake does happen, with Bioware running 4 teams in full throttle already, it's likely to go to another developer. What comes to mind is that Obsidian wanted to get their hands on KOTOR back when EA struck a deal with Disney.
That line about "ire of gamers" pisses me off. What, we aren't gamers? The many that would appreciate it on the xbox don't exist I guess.
Catering to the benefit of one, in this instance, does not hurt the other. If you care that much about this series, you're on the PC, and they have the mods and recent updates anyway. (I am active in monitoring the KOTOR modding community, deadlystream is still putting out new stuff all the time.)

It's unlikely, however. Both the exclusivity and the chance of it happening at all. I certainly want it, (even though I've been waiting for the K1R mod for a year) but I can't imagine EA would allow the resources to be put into it. Offtopic: Do we know who owns the Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction IP? I guess that's still with EA as well. (Cough. hint. cough)
That line about "ire of gamers" pisses me off. What, we aren't gamers? The many that would appreciate it on the xbox don't exist I guess.
Catering to the benefit of one, in this instance, does not hurt the other. If you care that much about this series, you're on the PC, and they have the mods and recent updates anyway. (I am active in monitoring the KOTOR modding community, deadlystream is still putting out new stuff all the time.)

It's unlikely, however. Both the exclusivity and the chance of it happening at all. I certainly want it, (even though I've been waiting for the K1R mod for a year) but I can't imagine EA would allow the resources to be put into it. Offtopic: Do we know who owns the Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction IP? I guess that's still with EA as well. (Cough. hint. cough)

It's actually likely in terms of licensing issues. The original was made by Bioware and published by Lucasarts, so previously they had the rights. Right now, however, Disney owns Lucasfilm, and therefore owns all assets and rights of Lucasarts. On top of that EA has an exclusive deal with Disney to produce high-profile, non-mobile Star Wars games, a company which happens to own all Bioware studios and assets right now. So under this deal, there's no reason KOTOR can't be released.

There are two possible hurdles though, one for each company. First, Disney/Lucasfilm might have put KOTOR into "Star Wars Legends" category. Previously they trashed all Expanded Universe materials and started anew, but this is complicated on a few cases, namely Clone Wars and The Old Republic. The former ended up being a canon, but there's still no confirmation on KOTOR, KOTOR 2 and TOR. And if it's "Legends" (ala "abandoned") Disney would not want to unearth old, non-canon story after 13 years. Second, EA has not yet jumped onto the trend of remastering unlike several other publishers, not even like the s***ty ones like Prototype remaster, but this could change in the coming months.
The canon issue is definitely something to consider. I had thought that maybe due to the partnership, TOR (the stankest part of the old republic story) was canon, but never assumed to be.

Now again, I certainly want it. I'm not entirely sure whether it's canon would affect the decision though. With marvel they still have tons of comics that go all over the place with every character. While star wars hasn't reached "same character resurrected 5 times," I'm not sure it's a big concern of theirs. I mean end of the day, they're a bunch of suits simply concerned with money. The state of whether or not revan bent bastila over the ebon hawks dash doesnt matter to them.

And now you have a new metric to judge your friends against.
I guess in gaming "journalism", it is now ok to go on fanboy rants about why something should be on PlayStation too, even at rumor status. He even goes so far as saying it would "be an unwise business decision by EA" like this yahoo knows what is a better games business decision than EA. Where was this "ire" back when the original was only in Xbox? Stupid! Gaming may have grown up, but the gaming media seems to have gone the other direction.
I guess in gaming "journalism", it is now ok to go on fanboy rants about why something should be on PlayStation too, even at rumor status. He even goes so far as saying it would "be an unwise business decision by EA" like this yahoo knows what is a better games business decision than EA. Where was this "ire" back when the original was only in Xbox? Stupid! Gaming may have grown up, but the gaming media seems to have gone the other direction.
Hey now. EA isn't the greatest decision maker just do you know. Remember Sim City.
Hey now. EA isn't the greatest decision maker just do you know. Remember Sim City.
Yeah, EA is always guilty of being EA. No argument there. Not my favorite game company by a long shot. They are still about as bottom-line as you get. I'm still shocked that they went with the EA Access idea, but I guess it must be successful for them, in dollars. Some of those games weren't very old when they went up for grabs.